Tim Hansen

Tim Hansen is a senior consultant at EAS Consulting Group. He is a former director of the seafood division in FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (1998-2006) and a former director of the seafood inspection program for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries (2006-2014). He previously served in other roles in NOAA’s seafood program, prior to which he was a product supervisor for the Fleishmann’s Yeast Division, Nabisco Brands, in Sumner, WA (1981-1985). Earlier in his career, he served as a supervisor in the New England Fish Company, Seattle, WA and subsequently as a QA manager for British Columbia Packers in South Bend, WA and in Naknek, Alaska. He holds a Bachelor of Fisheries Science from the University of Washington and a BA in political science from Washington State University.

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