USDA FSIS Publishes 2023-2026 Strategic Plan

The USDA Food Safety and Inspection Services (FSIS) has released its 2023-2026 Strategic Plan, the foundation document for both the long range and day-to-day operations of the agency. The agency announced that the updated plan continues to emphasize the importance of science and data to implement advanced and innovative approaches to food safety.

The plan includes three strategic goals:

Goal 1: “Prevent Foodborne Illness and Protect Public Health,” which focuses directly on FSIS’ public health mission and its activities.

Goal 2: “Transform Inspection Strategies, Policies, and Scientific Approaches to Improve Public Health,” which focuses on improving how the agency conducts food safety activities.

Goal 3: “Achieve Operational Excellence,” which focuses on maintaining and improving the strong internal foundation needed to meet goals 1 and 2.

As part of the primary goal, “Prevent Foodborne Illness and Protect Public Health,” the FSIS specifically plans to:

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