With publication of the first set of final rules for FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) expected any day now, food safety teams are busy strategizing as to how they are going to prepare for compliance and be “FSMA-ready” on Day 1.
Across industry, it is generally agreed that being certified to a GFSI scheme is a solid foundation for FSMA compliance. In a new three-part online series, “GFSI in the Age of FSMA: How GFSI Schemes Align With and Prepare You for FSMA”, the North American leaders of the three major GFSI schemes – SQF, BRC and FSSC 22000 – will discuss the following topics:
How certification to their scheme prepares a company for FSMA compliance in terms of alignment with:
Supplier Controls
Building a food safety plan
Migrating from HACCP to HARPC
Being audit ready all the time
Environmental monitoring … human & animal food rules … and much more
What changes to the scheme have been made (or are planned) to better align with FSMA
Gaps the leaders see in FSMA that are filled by their scheme
What companies who are, or plan to be, GFSI certified should be doing now for Day 1 FSMA compliance
(left to right) John Kukoly of BRC, Jacqueline Southee of FSSC 22000, and Robert Garfield of SQFI are the featured speakers of the GFSI series.
Food company teams working in Regulatory, Food Safety & Quality Assurance, Operations, C-Suite, Legal and other related positions in companies who are – or are planning to become – certified in a GFSI scheme are encouraged to attend one, two or all three sessions.
The series is being sponsored by SafetyChain Software with media partner Food Safety Tech.
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