Paul Bradley
Paul Bradley
Ask The Expert

Ask the Expert: Five Steps for Success in Digitization and Technology Selection

By Paul Bradley
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Food organizations are undertaking a wide variety of data-oriented technology initiatives and face a profusion of technology solutions vying for attention, nearly all promising new levels of insight and productivity. While the landscape is complex, there are five basic steps that teams can take to help ensure that their technology investments are set up for long-term success.

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Gitte Barknowitz
Gitte Barknowitz

Technology and Farming: An Essential Relationship as Pesticide Restrictions Impact Agriculture in the EU

By Gitte Barknowitz, Ph.D.
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To meet the goal of improving the food supply, the European Union (EU) has proposed new laws restricting the use of pesticides and other contaminants on crops across all member states. Analysis by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry can provide the data to guide decision-making about changes to farming practices necessary to produce safe, healthful crops.

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George Gansner
George Gansner

Now is the Time to Reassess the Food Industry’s Approach to Managing Risk

By George Gansner
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The food industry is facing unprecedented challenges when it comes to ensuring the safety and security of the global food supply chain. A risk-based approach focused on prevention, continuous improvement, and stakeholder collaboration is needed to be proactive in identifying and managing potential risks throughout the food supply chain. By adopting new practices, the food industry can ensure a safe and secure food supply chain.

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