Pathogenic Contamination Among Top Food Safety Hazards for Cannabis

“As more people gain access to and ingest cannabis products, it’s only a matter of time before food safety becomes a primary concern for producers and regulators,” says Steven Burton, CEO and founder of Icicle Technologies, Inc. Without federal regulation, there are so many questions about the food safety hazards associated with the use of cannabis in food products. In an article published in Food Safety Tech’s sister publication, Cannabis Industry Journal, Burton discusses the Top Four Safety Hazards for the Cannabis Industry, which includes pathogenic contamination from pests and improper handling.
About The Author
Steven Burton
Steve Burton, the creator of Icicle, is a software architect who has worked projects both domestically and abroad. He started his career in architecture and moved into construction before establishing a successful manufacturing business in the ’90s. Steven moved to the software sector in the late ’90s, specializing in the development of high-performance web-based software application. He established Burton Software in 1999; Icicle Technologies, Inc. is a division of Burton Software. Connect with Burton on LinkedIn.