2020 FSC Episode 10 Preview: Food Defense and the Insider Threat

This week’s episode of the 2020 Food Safety Consortium Virtual Conference Series focuses on food defense and the insider threat. The following topics will be discussed during Thursday’s session:
- Current events and external threats to food and agriculture
- Case studies and lessons learned in food defense
- Insider threat mitigation
- Resources for food and beverage manufacturers
- Featured speakers include Jason Bashura, PepsiCo (session moderator); April Bishop, Treehouse Foods; Ben Miller, The Acheson Group; Frank Pisciotta, BPS, Inc.; Joel Martin, Cargill; James Nasella, Tate & Lyle; Scott Mahloch, Cassandra Carter, and Kevin Spradlin, FBI; Rob Odell – National Insider Threat Task Force; Sarah Miller – Carnegie Mellon/CERT; Rebecca Morgan, Center for the Development of Security Excellence
The event begins at 12 pm ET on Thursday, November 12. Haven’t registered? Follow this link to the 2020 Food Safety Consortium Virtual Conference Series, which provides access to 14 episodes of critical industry insights from leading subject matter experts! We look forward to your joining us virtually.
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Food Safety Tech Staff
Innovative Publishing Company, Inc.
The Food Safety Tech staff consists of freelance journalists and industry contributing writers with decades of experience in covering food safety issues under the categories of compliance, food laboratory and manufacturing processes and technologies, foodservice and retail, regulations and sustainability.
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