Last night at the Food Safety Consortium, STOP Foodborne Illness held a fundraiser to honor those who have dedicated their careers to raising awareness of foodborne illness and promoting a food safety culture. Here are some moments from the event.
FDA’s Michael Taylor, deputy commissioner of foods, shares thoughts on the work and food safety advocacy of Nancy Donley and Frank Yiannas. Comments on progress made, and “There’s a lot to do to further instill food safety culture.”Nancy Donley received the Legacy Tribute in recognition of her four-year-old son Alex, who died from an E. coli infection in 1993.Frank Yiannas, vice president of food safety at Walmart received the 2015 Industry Advocate Hero for his role in going above and beyond in advocating food safety for the world’s largest food retailer. Picture with Deirdre Schlunegger of STOP Foodborne Illness. “This award will hold a special place in my heart,” said Yiannas.
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