WATCH VIDEO I: Apply Behaviorial Science Techniques to Food Safety Most people are influenced by the behavior that surrounds them, especially in a professional environment. In part III of a video series of his presentation at the 2015 Food Safety Consortium, Frank Yiannas, vice president of food safety at Walmart, discusses the key role that behavioral science plays in food safety culture and how companies can build a stronger culture by considering the principle of social norms.
Yiannas also touches on how learning through the mistakes of others can be an effective teaching tool.
“I think we have to teach food safety the wrong way sometimes to teach it the right way,” said Yiannas. “I think a lot of food safety professionals create curriculum and modules that are teaching it the right way…when the research is clear—teaching the wrong way can be pretty good.”
From Michael Taylor’s selfie to debating food safety culture and throwing (foam) tomatoes, there were many memorable moments from the 2015 Food Safety Consortium.
To build an organizational culture that embraces true food safety preventive controls, give employees the autonomy to make critical decisions.
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Food Safety Tech Staff
Innovative Publishing Company, Inc.
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