FDA Investigating Consumer Illness Complaints from Lucky Charms

Following a surge in consumers reporting illnesses that range from nausea to vomiting to diarrhea after eating Lucky Charms, FDA has initiated an investigation into the product and the claims. Iwaspoisoned.com is a nationwide consumer food safety platform that allows people to report their illnesses immediately. The complaints of food poisoning connected to consuming the popular cereal began trending late last year, with more than 1300 reports of illnesses to date, according to the website.
Patrick Quade, founder of iwaspoisoned.com, called the volume of consumer complaints related to this single product “unprecedented”.
FDA has not released an official statement on the matter.
General Mills spokesperson Andrea Williamson told Consumer Reports the following: “After a thorough internal investigation, we have not found any evidence that these complaints are attributed to our products. We encourage consumers to please share any concerns directly with General Mills to ensure they can be appropriately addressed.”
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