Listeria Workshop to Tackle Prevention, Detection and Mitigation

More effective environmental monitoring and improved sanitation practices, along with databases such as PulseNet, are helping the industry find Listeria contamination. However, once detected, many processing facilities have difficulty removing the bacteria.
Next month Food Safety Tech is holding a Listeria Detection & Control Workshop to educate food industry professionals about how to integrate prevention and mitigation procedures into existing sanitation, operation and testing programs. The two-day workshop, which takes place May 31 – June 1 in St. Paul, MN, will cover the basics of controlling Listeria, along with the following topics:
- Detecting and penetrating biofilm
- How to build an effective environmental testing program
- Producing reliable testing to detect and control Listeria
- Sanitation departmental role in prevention, control and mitigation
- Building a master sanitation schedule
- Innovative Listeria mitigation programs
- Gaps in proactive food safety programs
- Hygienic equipment design
Industry speakers include:
- John Besser, Ph.D., deputy chief, enteric disease laboratory branch, CDC
- Gina (Nicholson) Kramer, Savour Food Safety International
- Dominique Blackman, Realzyme
- Janet Buffer, The Kroger Company
- Ken Davenport, Ph.D., 3M Food Safety
- Bert de Vegt, Micreos Food Safety
- Joellen Feirtag, Ph.D., University of Minnesota
- Melinda Hayman, Ph.D., GMA
- Sanja Illic, Ph.D., Ohio State University
- Paul Lorcheim, ClorDiSys Solutions
- Douglas Marshal, Ph.D., Eurofins Scientific
- Jeff Mitchell, Chemstar
- Megan Murn, Microbiologics
- Robin Peterson, Micreos
- Errol Raghubeer, Ph.D., Avure Technologies
The event takes place at the 3M Innovation Center in St. Paul, Minnesota. Workshop hours are Tuesday, May 31 from 11:00 am–6:00 pm and Wednesday, June 1 from 8:30 am–5:00 pm. For more information, visit the Listeria Detection & Control Workshop event website.
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The DOJ wants to know how Blue Bell responded to Listeria contamination in its facilities.
Preventing Listeria contamination of food products must be conducted at all levels of production.
The deadly pathogen is everywhere. It’s your job to keep it out of food processing and preparation environments.
As a result of several recent high-profile Listeria-related recalls, interest in the foodborne pathogen is increasing and food processors must take preventive measures to keep it out of facilities.
A clean environment equals safe food.
This often-deadly infection can have a devastating effect on victims and their families.
It’s not about zero tolerance. It’s about finding the bacteria and getting it out of your facility.
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Food Safety Tech Staff
Innovative Publishing Company, Inc.
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