FSMA IQ Test: Part VI

The final part of the Food Safety Tech series FSMA IQ Test is here. But first, take a look at the results of Part V. If you haven’t yet taken Part V, click here. Result of Part VI will be posted next week.
- CCPs previously established under HACCP or previous hazard analysis may be a preventive control under FSMA. TRUE
- You must document all records to be included in records review under FSMA. TRUE
- Product testing for pathogen or indicator organism is not addressed under FSMA verification and reevaluation. FALSE
- Environmental monitoring for an environmental pathogen or indicator is always required under FSMA verification and reevaluation. FALSE
- Responses here were nearly split: 51% answered correctly
- Under FSMA, you must conduct reanalysis of cGMPs at least every three years. FALSE
- Only 21% answered correctly
- You must document justification of records not required by a food safety plan in a food operation under FSMA. TRUE
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Food Safety Tech Staff
Innovative Publishing Company, Inc.
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