Next Week: Virtual Event Targets Hazards in the Food Supply Chain
Next week Food Safety Tech is hosting a virtual event that brings together subject matter experts with decades of experience at food companies who will help attendees recognize when and how to pivot in the face of global supply chain issues, how to be nimble during these challenges, and how to establish the adaptable mindset required to navigate these ever-changing circumstances.
Food Safety Tech Hazards Series: Supply Chain takes place on Wednesday, May 18 at 12 pm ET.
Presentations are as follows:
- Pivoting on a Dime: How and When to Adjust Your Supply Chain Program, with Elise Forward, President & Principal Consultant, Forward Food Solutions
- Remaining Agile During Supply Chain Disruptions: A Manufacturer’s Point of View, with April Bishop, Sr. Director Food Safety, TreeHouse Foods
- Be a Game Changer to Manage Supply Chain Risk, with Liliana Casal-Wardle, Ph.D., Sr. Director Food Safety, the Acheson Group
The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion with the speakers.
This event is sponsored by SGS. Register now for Food Safety Tech Hazards Series: Supply Chain.
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Food Safety Tech Staff
Innovative Publishing Company, Inc.
The Food Safety Tech staff consists of freelance journalists and industry contributing writers with decades of experience in covering food safety issues under the categories of compliance, food laboratory and manufacturing processes and technologies, foodservice and retail, regulations and sustainability.
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