Food Safety Consortium Early Bird Discount Expires This Week

View the range of content associated with the Food Safety ConsortiumThe 2019 Food Safety Consortium Conference & Expo attracts some of the most influential stakeholders in the industry. This year’s event, which runs October 1–3, will not disappoint, with several features that provide a maximum networking and educational benefit to attendees.
The following is a snapshot of just a few of the benefits of attending this year’s Food Safety Consortium:
- The Food Defense Consortium Meeting. This pre-conference workshop is open to all participants of the Food Safety Consortium
- FSSC 22000 North American Information Day. This pre-conference workshop takes place on the morning of Tuesday, October 1 and is open to all Food Safety Consortium participants
- A complimentary Sanitation Pre-conference Workshop (Tuesday, October 1)
- Keynote Plenary Session by Frank Yiannas, FDA deputy commissioner for food policy and response
- Recalls panel led by Rob Mommsen, director of global quality & food safety, Sabra Dipping Company
- Food defense panel led by Steven Sklare, president of The Food Safety Academy; participants include Jason Bashura, senior manager of global food defense at PepsiCo
- Focused breakout tracks on food safety leadership, food testing & analysis, and sanitation and operations
Don’t miss the opportunity to have access to the premier industry event at a significant value. The super early bird discount expires this Friday, June 28.
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The collaboration will bring an enhanced perspective on how industry can address sanitation challenges.
Yiannas will serve as the keynote speaker at the start of the event on October 1.
Detwiler and Phebus will lead the Food Safety Management & Leadership and Testing Tracks respectively at this year’s event.
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Food Safety Tech Staff
Innovative Publishing Company, Inc.
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