Part IV: FSMA IQ Test

The following are the results of Part III of the FSMA IQ Test. Haven’t taken it yet? Click here to take Part III. Under the results is Part IV of the IQ test, results of which will be posted next week.
Part III Answers:
- cGMPs under FSMA require that outer garments be suitable to protect against allergen contamination. TRUE
- Preventive controls may not include natural toxins. FALSE
- You do not need to document records of all product testing under FSMA. FALSE
- The hazard analysis process is determined within the food safety plans. TRUE
- No special precautions are required for outdoor bulk storage vessels other than providing a hermetically sealed condition for the product being stored. FALSE
- Under FSMA, FDA does not address employee protection plan, which is covered under EEOC. FALSE
- Only 44% answered correctly
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Food Safety Tech Staff
Innovative Publishing Company, Inc.
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