FDA Logo
FDA Logo

Partially Hydrogenated Oils in Foods No Longer GRAS

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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On August 8, The FDA issued a direct final rule reflecting its June 2015 final determination that the use of partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs) in foods is no longer Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS). The rule revises regulations related to peanut butter, certain oils and previously authorized use of PHOs in margarine, shortening, and bread, rolls and buns.

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Wiping down table
Wiping down table

EPA Draft Guidance on Virus Claims for Antimicrobial Products

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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Certain types of sanitizers can be used in food service and food processing facilities on surfaces such as dishes and utensils. Historically, EPA guidance has addressed the addition of claims against bacteria—but not against viruses—to products registered only with sanitizing claims. If the draft guidance is finalized, it could lead to changes in the FDA Food Code to reflect new labeling regulations.

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Sonia Acuña-Rubio
Sonia Acuña-Rubio
Allergen Alley

Reducing the Risk of Undeclared Food Allergens

By Sonia Acuña-Rubio
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Undeclared allergens are the leading cause of food and beverage recalls. While government regulations aim to protect individuals with food allergies by requiring food labels to disclose ingredients, the fast-paced and ever-changing landscape of food regulation creates opportunities for risks such as allergen cross-contact. By developing an Allergen Management Program, businesses can lessen the risk of costly contaminations, recalls and reputational damage.

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