Tag Archives: filth flies

Frank Meek, Orkin
Ask The Expert

Ask the Expert: Keeping Flies Out of Your Facility

Frank Meek, Orkin

Food companies have to manage a variety of pests seeking harborage, food, water and other resources in their facilities. Among these pests, flies can be some of the most difficult to manage. Frank Meek, technical services manager for Orkin and board-certified entomologist with 36 years’ experience in the food industry, shares strategies to you can take to mitigate the risk of flies in your food facility.

Why are flies such a problem for food companies? 

Meek: Flies are prolific breeders, carriers of multiple potential pathogens, vectors of contamination and a costly pest for food manufacturing and processing facilities if not handled appropriately. One female fly can create hundreds of eggs in five or six days and potentially introduce many microorganisms and pathogens. 

Which types of flies pose the greatest risk to food establishments?

Meek: The types of flies most likely to impact food-handling establishments are:

  • “Filth” flies, which can transmit bacteria and other pathogens to surfaces
    • Attracted to odors first, then food waste, organic build up, sewage and feces
    • g., house flies and blow flies
  • “Nuisance” flies, which typically do not transmit pathogens, but can still cause harm
    • Attracted to overripe or decaying fruits, vegetables or other organic materials
    • g., fruit flies, drain flies and phorid flies

How can you keep flies from entering your facility?

Meek: Flies don’t need a lot of space to get in and out of buildings. They typically enter buildings through frequently opened doors and improperly sealed openings such as drains/pipes, ventilation systems and windows. Because of this, exclusion—using preventive methods to help eliminate pest entry points—will help to keep flies out.

  • Seal any unplanned cracks, holes and crevices as soon as you notice them to avoid pests accessing your building.
  • Seal all doors and windows with weather stripping.
  • Limit direct lighting around the entrances of your facility.
  • If you must have lighting near the entrances, use sodium-vapor light bulbs, as these are less appealing to insects than fluorescent bulbs (which draw pests in, especially at night) or indirect lighting.

The best way to deter flies is to seek a pest control provider that offers an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. A successful IPM program is proactive, environmentally conscious and addresses the reasons pests are attracted to your facility. IPM is a team effort between you and your pest control provider. Once implemented, your IPM program should be reviewed at least annually with your pest management professional to ensure continued improvement.

How can facilities improve sanitation methods to prevent infestations?

Meek:  Ensure you have a rigorous sanitation routine that addresses high and low pest-pressure areas within your facility. If you already have a schedule, work with your pest control provider to review it so it includes the following:

  • Keep dumpsters and trash cans as far away from the facility as possible.
  • Work with your waste management company to routinely clean or rotate your dumpster.
  • Install odor control devices where needed to eliminate foul smells that might attract flies.
  • Remove trash, debris and food from areas like employee lockers or breakrooms multiple times throughout the day.
  • Keep tight lids on interior trash receptacles, change the liners daily and regularly clean out the bottom of the bins.
  • Sanitation teams should also regularly clean machinery that handles food, as joints and crevices can build up organic matter and attract pests.

If you have a fly infestation, how do you get control of that and reduce future issues?

Meek: There are several steps you can take to control and prevent infestations. They include:

  • Sanitation Routine: should be rigorous to help eliminate fly eggs, habitats and attractants
    • Work with your pest control provider to review your current cleaning program and make any needed changes to frequencies.
    • At times, non-residual and / or residual pesticide application may be needed to help reduce populations
  • Traps and Fly Lights: monitor the efficiency of your overall fly control program, but they are not a complete control option
    • Mechanical traps can be used in many areas of your facility. Your pest control provider can work with you to determine the best locations and type of device needed.
    • Installing fly lights will allow you to monitor fly activity.
  • Employee Training: can help catch pest issues before they become a bigger problem
    • Work with your pest control provider to train your staff on how to spot and report signs of pest activity.
    • Most pest control providers offer complimentary staff training that clarifies the role your employees play in preventing pest infestations.

Want to learn more about how flies can affect food-handling businesses and what you can do to protect your products and employees? Download Orkin’s No Fly Zone Fly Prevention for Food Processors ebook.


Frank Meek, Orkin
Bug Bytes

How to Keep Pathogen-Spreading Pests Out of Your Business

By Frank Meek
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Frank Meek, Orkin

As food processors and retailers work tirelessly to feed the public during the current global health pandemic, pests continue to work overtime to keep their food supply on track. Filth flies, cockroaches and rodents, in particular, pose a threat to the food supply chain, especially with concerns of the transmission of pathogens at an all-time high. The last thing your business needs is an avoidable food safety incident that threatens your reputation and bottom line.

When it comes to food safety, pathogen-spreading pests have no place in your facility and pose a major public health risk. Not only can these filthy pests become a nuisance within your facility, they can also contaminate your products and spread foodborne bacteria such as Salmonella, E. coli and Listeria, which can cause illnesses.

Knowing what attracts these pests to your facility and the dangers they pose is important for effective removal. Let’s dive into the signs of cockroaches, filth flies and rodents, and the specific concerns they can cause.

Frank Meek will share his expertise during a complimentary  webinar on March 4, “Making the Grade:
Tips for Passing Food Safety Audits During the Pandemic”

Cockroaches seek four things that food processing facilities provide in abundance—food, shelter, proper temperatures and water. With the ability to squeeze through tiny gaps and cracks, these dirty pests enjoy crawling under equipment, in cabinets and through drains to find their next meal. Cockroaches can be found in and around almost any place within your facility. They’re capable of carrying harmful bacteria that they can spread from one location to another. Look out for droppings, cast skins or egg cases, which might signal a cockroach problem.

Filth Flies

You may think these types of flies have no desire to be inside, but they are in fact happy to go wherever the conditions are right. The most common filth fly is the housefly. These winged pests can carry and spread more than 100 disease-causing pathogens including bacteria, fungi and viruses. These can cause illnesses such as cholera, dysentery and infantile diarrhea. Filth flies in your facility can lead to a major public health issue if your food becomes contaminated.


One of the filthiest pests around, rodents can contaminate your food supply, destroy or consume products and cause structural damage to your facility. Like cockroaches, mice and rats can fit through relatively small spaces to find food and water. With sightings on the rise during the COVID-19 pandemic, you’ll want to keep an eye out for rodents near your food products. These mighty chewers pose a public health threat as they can transmit diseases such as hantavirus and lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) via their urine and droppings.

The presence of these vermin in your facility threatens public health. Additionally, an infestation can slow down the supply chain by causing businesses to recall contaminated foods.

A rigorous sanitation routine is one of the most effective ways to proactively manage pests like cockroaches, rodents and filth flies. Regularly sanitizing and disinfecting your facility can help eliminate any pathogens left behind on hard surfaces and remove the attractants for which they search. While cleaning removes dirt and buildup, sanitization and disinfection kill bacteria and pathogens, reducing the risk of a food safety issue.

Including the following tips in your cleaning routine can help keep your products and reputation safe from harm.

  • Clean out drains routinely with an enzymatic cleaning solution that can break down the organic grime.
  • Disinfect high-touch hard surfaces with a proper and low-toxicity disinfectant to kill bacteria and pathogens that can cause food illnesses.
  • Move dumpsters away from your building to reduce flies being attracted to and then gaining easy entry into your facility.
  • Wipe spills as soon as they occur to prevent them from becoming a sticky paradise for flies and cockroaches.
  • Practice good hygiene in your work environment and ensure employees are washing their hands regularly and keeping break rooms free of trash and leftovers.

Implementing exclusion practices such as sealing cracks, gaps and holes in walls with a proper sealant can also help you keep pests out. Budget allowing, consider investing in insect light traps and mechanical traps to help reduce flying insects inside.

Communication with your suppliers and distributors is also important to ensure food safety. If your partners implement similar measures, you’re more likely to protect the public from harmful diseases. Furthermore, customers will continue to trust your business.

While following these tips can help reduce the chances of a pest infestation, it’s not always possible to keep pests and the pathogens they spread out of your food processing facility. Work with a trained pest control specialist to develop a customized prevention program for your business as each type of pest requires specific treatment. They can also help you schedule inspections to identify conditions in and around your facility that may attract flies, cockroaches and rodents, among other pests.