Tag Archives: Trump

Trump Administration Puts Gag Order on Federal Agencies

By Food Safety Tech Staff

After only a few days in office, President Trump and his administration have placed a gag order on federal agencies, including the USDA and EPA. Workers are barred from communicating with the press, the public or members of Congress, according to several outlets. A memo was reportedly sent to the EPA, instructing the agency not to publish any press releases, social media posts or blogs until told otherwise.

The Washington Post  reports that the chief of the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Sharon Drumm sent an email to staff stating, “Starting immediately and until further notice, ARS will not release any public-facing documents. This includes, but is not limited to, news releases, photos, fact sheets, news feeds, and social media content.” However, another memo sent out today by USDA Acting Deputy Administrator Michael Young said that he did not review the ARS guidance and would not have sent out such a draft. According to the Post, “his guidance does not place a gag order on publication to scientific journals, does not place a blanket freeze on press releases, or prohibit food safety announcements.”

Earlier this week, President Trump nominated Sonny Perdue, former governor of Georgia, to lead the USDA.

Sonny Perdue, USDA

Trump Names Sonny Perdue to Head USDA

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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Sonny Perdue, USDA

This morning President-elect Donald Trump named Sonny Perdue, former governor of Georgia, to lead the USDA. The new agriculture secretary grew up on a farm in Georgia, has a doctorate in veterinary medicine, and owns the firm Perdue Partners, LLC, a global trading firm specializing in exporting U.S. goods.

His farming experience will be seen as a plus by many folks in the agriculture industry. However, the selection of Perdue also means there will be no Latinos in Trump’s Cabinet (this hasn’t happened since the Reagan administration).

Key issues in the agriculture sector that Trump’s administration will need to address include the 2018 farm bill, immigrant labor, the decline of farm income, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Robert Califf, FDA

Will FDA Commissioner Califf Leave Under Trump Administration?

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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Robert Califf, FDA

In a recent interview with The Washington Post, FDA Commissioner Robert Califf, M.D. said that President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team has not contacted him. Califf hasn’t even been head of the agency for a full year. It is rumored that if Califf leaves, Stephen Ostroff, M.D., deputy commissioner for foods and veterinary medicine, will step in (Ostroff has previously served as acting deputy commissioner of FDA). Ostroff stepped into his current role when Mike Taylor left FDA last June.

Stephen Ostroff, FDA, Food Safety Consortium In the following video, Stephen Ostroff, M.D. discusses: Are Final FSMA Rules Cast in Stone?