Dr. Andreas Bubert
Dr. Andreas Bubert
Ask The Expert

Culture Media: A Hidden Risk to Halal Certification

Halal certification proves that a manufacturer has fully implemented halal practices at a facility. However, there is a hidden risk to certification: non-halal materials can be carried into production areas via culture media. Andreas Bubert, Ph.D., Senior Global Product Manager Culture Media at Merck KGaA, discusses the concerns behind commonly used culture media and how to ensure halal-compliance.

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Ask The Expert

Air Monitoring Under FSMA

The proposed FSMA rule on Preventive Controls for Human Food is making HACCP an integral part of all food manufacturing and mentions air as a potential source of contamination, but does not specify frequency. How can you take a risk-based approach in incorporating air monitoring into your HACCP plan? This week’s Ask the Expert focuses on Air Monitoring and Media Prep.

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Sangita Viswanathan, Former Editor-in-Chief, FoodSafetyTech
Sangita Viswanathan, Former Editor-in-Chief, FoodSafetyTech
Ask The Expert

Ensuring Microbial Safety of Compressed Air

By Sangita Viswanathan
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Karen P. Cronholm, Director, Regional Marketing, for EMD Millipore’s BioMonitoring Group, says that “Compressed air contains water vapor, particulate matter, oil vapor and droplets, and microorganisms,” and this is a critical area that wasn’t paid much attention to until recently. The new FSMA standard has created a great opportunity for their products, Cronholm explains. Of…

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