The FDA announced that, following completion of a voluntary phase-out, grease-proofing substances containing PFAS are no longer being sold for food packaging in the U.S. According to the agency, these substances represent the primary source of dietary exposure to PFAS.
Digital quality management solutions reduce the risk of food safety breaches and contamination events, and they are becoming increasingly accessible. Following, we look at the most effective technologies and what the industry is learning about when and how to incorporate technology into their food safety and quality systems.
Dairy products can become tainted at every stage in the production process, and microbial contamination remains a long-standing pain point for the industry. However, a handful of emerging technologies may help make microbial contamination events a thing of the past.
In 2023, FSIS investigated six outbreaks. Three were caused by Salmonella, two by STEC (serogroup O157:H7), and one investigation involved a report of botulism.
The New York Times reports that “hundreds of American children were poisoned last year. Records show how, time and time again, the contamination went unnoticed.” This is misleading.
Taking time to plan is a crucial step in the internal auditing process. Without sufficient planning, audits can often encounter roadblocks that lead to lackluster results. This article provides an overview of key planning steps that will help keep audits on track and within scope. The goal is to provide guidance for developing a well-organized internal audit program that will lead to improvements across the organization.
The guidance describes two processes through which companies may voluntarily inform the FDA of the steps they have taken to ensure the safety of foods from their genome-edited plant varieties: premarket consultations for higher risk foods and voluntary premarket meetings for lower-risk foods.
Developed to fortify the integrity of USDA organic products, the USDA Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) Rule goes into effect on March 19, 2024. From manufacturers to retailers, businesses across the supply chain must adjust their procedures and practices to comply with the updated rule.
The Food Safety Consortium will take place October 20-22, 2024, at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA, directly across the Potomac River from Washington, DC. The Program starts with several pre-conference workshops and training which leads into two full days of high-level panel discussions and educational presentations.
Labeling statements that meet federal and state regulations are failing to meet consumer expectations, and consumers are seeking and sometimes obtaining redress in the courts. Following we highlight key cases and what food companies need to consider to avoid running afoul of consumer expectations.