Beltway Beat

Food and Dietary Supplement Labeling: What Comes Next?

By Paula Brock, PhD, MSCI
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Labeling of food and dietary supplements in the United States involve several aspects and each must be approached with careful consideration. Regulatory, scientific, and business decisions need to be considered when working on labels’ mandatory elements and claims. The FDA released in December 2024 and January 2025 a few new proposed and final rules on several issues that will impact food and dietary supplement labeling.

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USDA Launches Remote Beef Grading Pilot Program

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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The Remote Grading Pilot for Beef allows a USDA grader to assess beef carcass characteristics and assign the official quality grade from a remote location, reducing costs and location as barriers to participation in voluntary grading services. The pilot program is part of USDA’s efforts to increase competition in agricultural markets and create a fairer playing field for small- and mid-size farmers and ranchers.

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