Food Safety Leaders will meet to assess the status of FSMA implementation, the impact of GFSI alignment and important industry developments at the fourth annual Food Safety Consortium, December 5–9, 2016, in Schaumburg, IL. The Consortium brings together hundreds of Food Safety and Quality Assurance (FSQA) professionals, and scores of speakers over several days attending concurrent conference tracks, workshops, training programs, plenary sessions and exhibits.
“Engagement at this year’s Food Safety Consortium will be more powerful and valuable to the industry, as we have the convergence of key federal officials and top industry experts sharing expertise and guidance on the future of the global food safety industry,” says Rick Biros, president and publisher of Innovative Publishing. “With FSMA compliance dates now in motion, attendees will hear directly from FDA and other regulatory agencies on how implementation is going, the status of enforcement actions, how GFSI fits in and more.”
The Consortium conference begins on Wednesday, December 7, kicking off with a keynote presentation from Stephen Ostroff, M.D., deputy commissioner for foods and veterinary medicine at FDA, followed by an “Ask the FDA” Q&A Town Hall. Frank Yiannas, vice president of food safety at Walmart, will deliver the lunch keynote presentation on December 7.
Conference tracks will address FSMA and GFSI compliance, food manufacturing and operations, supply chain management, laboratories, and ask the experts discussion groups.
Pre-conference (December 5) and post-conference (December 9) workshop topics include Preventive Controls in Human Foods training, supplier verification, HACCP to HARPC, SQF Information Day and recall strategies.
To register for the Food Safety Consortium, visit http://foodsafetyconsortium.org/. For more information about Food Safety Tech, the event media sponsor, visit https://foodsafetytech.com/food-safety-consortium/.

About Innovative Publishing: Innovative Publishing Company LLC (IPC) delivers industry-specific opportunities for business growth and professional development through an integrated B2B platform that includes online publishing, conferences, webinars and hybrid events. IPC launched MedTech Intelligence @MTI_Editor (https://www.medtechintelligence.com/) in 2010; Food Safety Tech @FoodSafetyTech (http://www.FoodSafetyTech.com) in 2012; and Cannabis Industry Journal @CannabisEditor (https://www.cannabisindustryjournal.com/ ) in 2016. Our focus is to provide game-changing knowledge and expert opinions about breaking news, innovative technology, emerging trends and ever-changing international regulations. Our mission is to aid in the advancement and progress of global industries that contribute to a healthier world.