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FDA Publishes New Guidance Document for Voluntary Qualified Importer Program

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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FSMA requires FDA to establish a voluntary, fee-based program for the expedited review and importation of foods from importers who achieve and maintain a high level of control over the safety and security of their supply chains.  This control includes importation of food from facilities[1] that have been certified in accordance with FDA’s Accredited Third-Party Certification Program (also referred to as the Third-Party Program or TPP) (section 808 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) (21 U.S.C. 384d)) and the Accreditation of Third-Party Certification Bodies to Conduct Food Safety Audits and to Issue Certifications regulation (also referred to as the TPP regulation) (see 21 CFR part 1, subpart M), as well as other measures that support a high level of confidence in the safety and security of the food they import.  Expedited entry incentivizes importers to adopt a robust system of supply chain management and further benefits public health by allowing FDA to focus its resources on food entries that pose a higher risk to public health.

The guidance document describes FDA’s policy regarding participation in FDA’s Voluntary Qualified Importer Program (VQIP) by importers of food for humans or animals.  This document provides guidance on:

  • The benefits VQIP importers can expect to receive;
  • The eligibility criteria for VQIP participation;
  • Instructions for completing a VQIP application;
  • Conditions that may result in revocation of participation in VQIP; and
  • Criteria for VQIP reinstatement following revocation.

This guidance document is presented in question and answer format.  This guidance document may be modified (in accordance with FDA’s good guidance practice regulation (21 CFR 10.115)) as VQIP is implemented and evaluated.  FDA’s guidance documents, including this guidance, do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities.  Instead, guidance describes the Agency’s current thinking on a topic and should be viewed only as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are cited.  The use of the word should in Agency guidance means that something is suggested or recommended, but not required.  This guidance represents FDA’s current thinking regarding what will be considered for participation in VQIP and how VQIP will expedite entry of imports.

The pronouns “I,” “me,” “you,” and “your” are used in this guidance to refer to the importer who may want to participate in VQIP.  “Agency” and the pronouns “we” and “our” are used to refer to FDA.  The term “food” has the meaning given in section 201(f) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) (21 U.S.C. 321(f)), except that, for the purposes of VQIP, food does not include pesticides as defined in 7 U.S.C. 136(u).

Download the Guidance

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FDA Reminds Animal and Human Food Facilities to Register or Renew their Food Facility Registration before December 31

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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Owners, operators, or agents in charge of a domestic or foreign facility engaged in manufacturing/processing, packing, or holding food for consumption by humans or animals in the U.S., are required to register the facility with the FDA. The registration and renewal period is open between October 1 and December 31, 2024.

The FDA will consider the registration of a food facility to be expired if a facility’s registration is not renewed by December 31, 2024. There is no fee associated with registration or renewal. Owners, operators, or agents in charge of food facilities must submit their renewal information electronically through their FDA Industry Systems (FIS) account, unless they have received a waiver that allows for paper submission.

Food facility registration is critical to helping the FDA identify the location and possible source of a foodborne illness outbreak or potential bioterrorism incident. Food facility registration requirements were initiated with the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 and amended by the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) in 2011. FSMA requires facilities to submit additional information to the FDA and to renew their registrations every other year.

The following resources are available to assist in the registration and renewal process:

FFR Renewal:

FFR Guidance:

FFR User Guides:

FIS User Guides:

Food facilities with questions can contact the Data Management Support Services: by phone 1- 240-247-8804; or by email at FURLS@fda.gov on U.S. Government business days (Monday to Friday, excluding U.S. government holidays) from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time (see Federal Holidays (opm.gov) and Current Status (opm.gov).

Frank Yiannas, VP of Food Safety, Walmart

Boar’s Head Appoints Frank Yiannas as Chief Food Safety Advisor and Finalizes Food Safety Advisory Council

Frank Yiannas, VP of Food Safety, Walmart

Boar’s Head Brand announced on October 3 the appointment of Frank Yiannas, MPH, as Chief Food Safety Advisor on an interim basis, effective immediately. In this leadership role, Mr. Yiannas will be responsible for helping to ensure leading standards of food safety and quality across the organization. He will also oversee the nationwide search for a Chief Food Safety Officer to succeed him.

In addition to his responsibilities as Chief Food Safety Advisor, Mr. Yiannas will chair the “Boar’s Head Food Safety Advisory Council,” which is comprised of independent industry-leading food safety experts. The council will provide guidance and support to the company’s adoption and implementation of enhanced quality food safety programs. As previously announced, additional founding council members include Dr. David Acheson, Dr. Mindy Brashears, and Dr. Martin Wiedmann

Frank Yiannas will deliver the Closing Keynote at the Food Safety Consortium Conference October 20-22 in Washington DC.


Editors Note: in addition to Mr. Yiannas, Dr. Martin Wiedmann is presenting at the Food Safety Consortium Conference and will address the threat of Listeria monocytogenes, a significant pathogen often associated with food processing environments. He will share his passion and experience, which includes addressing microbial food safety and quality challenges from farm to table and emphasize the importance of disassembly and breakdown in food processing equipment. Martin will also present his research findings on reducing foodborne illnesses, explaining how this dangerous microorganism can persist in food environments, and outline the critical steps required to control and eliminate Listeria contamination.

More Information is at www.FoodSafetyConsortium.org



Allergen Alley

Analytical Science Leaders Honored at AOAC’s 2024 Annual Meeting

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Awards recognized scientific excellence across the spectrum of AOAC collaboration, including method development, expert review panels, editorial contributions to the Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, and technical service.

The Harvey W. Wiley Award, presented each year for outstanding contribution to analytical method development in an area of interest to AOAC International, went to Michelle Colgrave, internationally recognized for her work on foodborne proteins that trigger allergy or intolerance or, conversely, those peptides and proteins that can provide health benefits when included in foods. She is a professor of Food and Agricultural Proteomics at Edith Cowan University and chief investigator at the Australian Research Council Center of Excellence for Innovations in Peptide and Protein Science.

The highest volunteer award bestowed by AOAC, the William Horwitz Award, recognizes extraordinary service to the Association. The seldom nominated William Horwitz Award was presented to Erik J.M. Konings, who has extensive experience in development of methods of analysis for vitamins in food and food products.

To view the full list of leaders profiled in these awards, visit the 138th AOAC Annual Meeting and Exposition Awards page.

Online Tool Will Yield Pathogenic E. coli Risk Assessments

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Developing a user-friendly risk assessment tool to assess the food safety risks of fresh produce production and landscape use

Center for Produce Safety is funding the development of a user-friendly risk assessment tool to assess the food safety risks of fresh produce production and landscape use.

Although researchers have conducted numerous studies about environmental and geographical influences on potential food safety outbreaks, much of that work is not easily accessible. To that end, Alda Pires, Ph.D., with the University of California, Davis, plans to tap much of that research to power a user-friendly online risk assessment tool for pathogenic E. coli.

Not only does Pires envision it providing customized results based on user-centered information, such as field locations, crops, and farming practices, but the tool will also offer possible mitigation measures. “The goal is for the end-user, the growers, to have something for their own fields or their ranch,” she said. “They want to know what their field risks are under certain conditions.”

Joining her as co-investigators in the CPS-funded project titled, “Developing a user-friendly risk assessment tool to assess the food safety risks of fresh produce production and landscape use,” are Beatriz Martinez-Lopez, Ph.D.; Gabriele Maier, Ph.D.; Erin DiCaprio, Ph.D., all with UC Davis.“This is a very ambitious project, but we expect a practical endpoint for decision-making,” Pires said.

View Project Page

Consumer Confidence In Food Safety On The Decline

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The latest IFIC Spotlight Survey seeks to identify the most pressing food safety concerns for Americans. Survey takers selected microbial concerns, such as the presence of E. coli, and the presence of heavy metals in food as the primary issues of concern.

In light of numerous food recalls and a surge in alarming headlines about toxic ingredients in our food, consumer confidence in the safety of the food supply is waning as reported in the 2024 IFIC Food & Health Survey . The Survey reveals that consumer confidence is the lowest it has been in a decade.

Given this stark decline, the latest International Food Information Council (IFIC) Spotlight Survey: American Consumer Perceptions of Food Ingredient Safety further examines how consumers make safety assessments when it comes to purchasing and consuming foods and beverages, specifically regarding ingredients.

“Trust is at the heart of food choices for individuals and their families,” said IFIC President & CEO Wendy Reinhardt Kapsak, MS, RDN. “By exploring how consumers assess food and ingredient safety, we can pinpoint where trust may be faltering and identify opportunities to rebuild it.”

Top Safety Concerns Include Foodborne Illness, Heavy Metals 

The latest IFIC Spotlight Survey seeks to identify the most pressing food safety concerns for Americans. Survey takers selected microbial concerns, such as the presence of E. coli, and the presence of heavy metals in food as the primary issues of concern. Specifically, nearly 1 in 3 Americans (32%) are “extremely concerned” about E. coli in ground beef. Additionally, 29% of Americans are extremely concerned about lead, cadmium, and arsenic in baby food, while 27% voice extreme concern about mercury in seafood.

Less than 1 in 5 are extremely concerned about allergens in packaged foods (16%) and allergens in foods served at restaurants (15%).

Ultraprocessed Foods, Dyes & Sugar Substitutes Ranked As The Most Avoided Foods & Ingredients 

The latest Spotlight Survey uncovers a variety of factors that Americans consider when assessing the safety of food products, including foods and ingredients they avoid, as well as their views on the quantity and/or presence of certain ingredients, and their opinions on the total number of ingredients listed.

When provided a list of eleven ingredients, consumers indicate that dyes/colors are the most avoided, with 35% opting to actively steer clear of them. This was followed closely by sugar substitutes (34%), MSG (29%), bioengineered/GMO ingredients (27%), nanoplastics (26%), and preservatives (25%). Caffeine, flavors, allergens, and gluten were less frequently avoided.

When provided a list of thirteen types of foods and beverages, consumers rank ultraprocessed foods as the foods they avoid the most, at 41%. Plant-based meat alternatives take the second slot (37%), followed by processed meats (29%), and plant-based dairy alternatives (27%). Only 10% avoid dairy, and 8% avoid meat and/or poultry.

Nearly 3 in 10 report they do not avoid any of the eleven listed ingredients (29%), while 25% said they do not avoid any of the thirteen listed foods.

“Interestingly, it’s not always a ‘glass half empty’ mentality. We find that Americans consider the health benefits of what they eat and drink (30%) more often than the health risks (8%),” Senior Director, Food Ingredient Communications, Tony Flood, explained.

Presence Of Ingredient Outweighs Amount When It Comes To Concerns 

When evaluating the potential health risks of packaged foods and beverages, one-third of consumers (31%) consider the mere presence of an ingredient to be the most significant factor. Notably, this concern regarding the presence of an ingredient surpasses considerations related to the quantity of an ingredient (21%) or the total number of ingredients listed (16%).

“While we weren’t surprised that certain ingredients or foods carry a less desirable reputation, we were surprised that 1 in 4 Americans simply do not think about either the health risks or the health benefits of what they eat or drink,” Flood stated.

Examining Consumer Behaviors & Building Trust

“It’s evident that consumers hold strong opinions about the foods and ingredients they consider safe, as well as those they choose to avoid or seek out,” said Reinhardt Kapsak. “While science plays a crucial role in ensuring food safety, the data suggest that consumers prefer factual, practical, and actionable information that enables them to make more informed food choices.”


The International Food Information Council (IFIC) commissioned an online survey among U.S. consumers to measure knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about the safety of food ingredients. Data was collected from June 6-10, 2024, via an online survey of 1,000 Americans aged 18 years to 80+ years, and responses were weighted to ensure proportional results. The Bayesian confidence level for the survey sample (n=1000) is 3.5, which is roughly equivalent to a margin of error of ±3.1 at the 95% confidence level.

Read the full survey here.

bioMérieux Opens a Molecular and Genomic Innovation Center at the Navy Yard in Philadelphia

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bioMérieux selected to open the site at the Navy Yard, which serves the region as an innovation Life Sciences hub focused on research and development, commercialization and manufacturing, and boasts a roster of regional and global companies currently occupying more than one-million square feet of life sciences and advanced manufacturing space.

The new 32,000 sq. ft. facility is home to the xPRO™ Program, which has rapidly changed the landscape of food safety diagnostic capabilities by partnering directly with industry leaders to address unmet needs to streamline operational efficiencies and further public health. bioMérieux’s global leadership team was on-site for the ribbon cutting event, as Philadelphia continues to fortify its reputation as a hotbed of innovation in Life Sciences across North America.

Global leadership from bioMérieux and Philadelphia dignitaries commemorate the opening of the company’s Molecular Genomic Innovation Center in Philadelphia, Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2024. (Ryan Collerd/AP Content Services for bioMérieux)

“We couldn’t be more excited to deepen our roots in Philadelphia, which has long supported our organization through its commitment to fostering an entrepreneurial environment that promotes innovation and collaboration,” said Ben Pascal, global head of the xPRO™ Program, “As the innovation leader in the market and with our focus on maintaining a culture of entrepreneurship, the new site bolsters our ability to rapidly respond and develop breakthrough innovations that change the paradigm for global food safety.”

bioMérieux selected to open the site at the Navy Yard, which serves the region as an innovation Life Sciences hub focused on research and development, commercialization and manufacturing, and boasts a roster of regional and global companies currently occupying more than one-million square feet of life sciences and advanced manufacturing space. The opening of bioMérieux at the Navy Yard strengthens the sites reputation as a foremost innovation hub across the US.

“The opening of the Molecular and Genomic Innovation Center at the Navy Yard is an important milestone in bioMérieux’s storied legacy, as we continue to provide game changing diagnostic solutions that solve the food safety industry’s most persistent and urgent challenges,” said Miguel Villa, Sr. Vice President, Industrial Applications, Americas, and xPRO™ sponsor, “This facility – in conjunction with our unique Augmented Diagnostics approach to food safety – allows us to continue redefining the role and capabilities of diagnostic testing to further ensure public health and fortify brand reputations.” 

Food Safety Tech Content Director, Rick Biros tours bioMérieux’s Molecular Genomic Innovation Center in Philadelphia. (Ryan Collerd/AP Content Services for bioMérieux)


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FDA’s new Human Foods Program (HFP) kick’s off October 1

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s reorganization implementation involving the creation of a unified Human Foods Program (HFP), adoption of a new model for its field operations and other significant modernization efforts are scheduled for Oct. 1, 2024, notably enhancing the agency’s ability to oversee and protect the human food supply and other products the FDA regulates.

Jim Jones, FDALead by Jim Jones, Deputy Commissioner for Human Foods at FDA, the reorganization establishes the HFP by realigning the functions of the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, the Office of Food Policy and Response, as well as key functions from the Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA) under one program.

Additionally, the restructuring of ORA will enable the field operations unit to focus on inspections, investigations and imports as its core mission. The FDA is changing the name of ORA to the Office of Inspections and Investigations (OII) to better convey the organization’s role as the frontline of the FDA, which provides real time insights and science-based evidence necessary to ensure the safety and quality of products Americans depend on.

Jim Jones will Keynote the Food Safety Consortium Conference, October 20-22 in Washington DC. During this session Mr. Jones will delve into the agency’s recent reorganizational changes, key regulatory policy priorities, and commitment to stakeholder transparency. Doug Stearns, Deputy Associate Commissioner of Regulatory Affairs, will discuss how these changes will shape investigations and inspections for both domestic and foreign facilities. Attendees will gain valuable perspectives on regulatory shifts, emerging challenges, and collaborative opportunities shaping the landscape of food safety and compliance. Discover how the new Deputy Commissioner’s strategic vision will drive innovation, enhance public health outcomes, and foster trust within the food industry. Attendees will have the opportunity to gain deep insights into emerging challenges, innovative strategies, and collaborative approaches to advancing food safety.

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The Alliance to Stop Foodborne Illness Announces 2024 Class of 40 Under 40

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This yearly initiative highlights exceptional young professionals making significant contributions to food safety and food safety culture worldwide.

The Alliance to Stop Foodborne Illness — an arm of the national nonprofit consumer advocacy group Stop Foodborne Illness — proudly announces its “2024 40 Food Safety Professionals Under 40.”

This yearly initiative highlights exceptional young professionals making significant contributions to food safety and food safety culture worldwide.

The class of 2024 represents 35 universities and organizations — including PepsiCo., Aramark, and Wegmans.

Public-Private Partnership Aims to Fill Gaps in Supply Chain Interoperability

Partnership for Food Traceability seeking members to play key roles in decision-making.

As the food supply chain has become evermore global, the tracing of foodborne illness has become evermore complex. Although the Traceability Rule (FSMA 204) was enacted to mitigate that complexity, it has no provisions for interoperability between supply chains, primarily because FDA was not given the authority to require that.

So the Partnership for Food Traceability (PFT) has stepped up the plate to fill that gap. PFT is a public-private partnership between FDA, state officials, and all sectors of the food industry founded to help streamline the implementation of compliant traceability systems – accommodating both electronic and alternate/non-electronic methods to represent both large and small businesses.

A membership-based, sector-neutral organization, PFT provides a forum for stakeholders to come together with an equal voice to advance enhanced traceability. Companies that manufacture, process, pack, or hold foods and their trade associations can join as voting members; technology vendors and technical experts as non-voting members; and FDA and other officials will have formal, non-voting participation in full membership meetings, committees, and work groups. With the government officials serving as technical advisors to provide perspectives on regulations, guidance documents, policies, and practices, the membership will work to establish a comprehensive vision for enhanced food traceability in the U.S.

Understanding that it can be difficult for small stakeholders and businesses to have a voice in industry forums, “PFT has been designed to provide a level playing field so that everyone, regardless of your size, your sector, your business model, has an equal voice in the process of defining that vision,” said Leavitt Partners Principal Eric Marshall.

There’s also recognition that the implementation of traceability is difficult and dependent on a lot of people, companies, and sectors of the industry. “You can’t simply flip a switch and turn it on, Marshall said. “You need a clear, coordinated plan for how you get from here to compliance; and then not just to compliance, but how you get from basic compliance to actual optimization and interoperability. We think that the PFT can fill that role and provide that kind of a vision.”

“Today, traceability is the foundation for business growth,” said Kevin Edwards, Vice President of Global Market Development for the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST). “The key to global digital traceability is a common data language and an interoperable approach; advancing our mission cannot be done alone.”

Echoing a similar sentiment The Acheson Group Executive Vice President of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs Ben Miller said, “Our goal is to create that overarching vision and plan for traceability, but we are not intending to displace any of the work that’s come before, rather to extend it and bring it together in a town square concept. Importantly,” he added, “we don’t want to hinder innovation or efficiency.” In fact, Miller sees that as the principal return on investment of the group: “The more we can arrive at standardized approaches, the greater efficiency we will realize across the supply chain,” he said.

Additionally, the partnership is not starting from a blank slate. Rather, Miller said, “We have the benefit of standing on the shoulders of the success of the Partnership for DSCSA Governance developed by the drug industry. So we know this structure, based on previous experience, is one that can work well.”

The primary charges of PFT are to:
• Define open-source consensus business requirements and functional requirements for food traceability. The specific technical vision will be determined through decision-making mechanisms that promote balance, sector neutrality, and equitability, leveraging and incorporating existing work from various sectors.
• Coordinate pilots and share pilot learnings to advance electronic traceability. PFT will provide a forum to consolidate learnings from private and public pilots; identify and support new pilots; and promote industry/regulator interactions through pilot activity.
• Provide a forum for the sharing of common practices in supplier requirements for data sharing. Through a dedicated work group, PFT will strive to ensure its consensus business and functional requirements build on, and limit disruption to, supplier requirements, with each company free to establish its own standards. PFT will promote consistent and interoperable requirements by providing a forum for the discussion of promising practices.

With regulators also playing an essential role both in helping to define requirements for food traceability and as a recipient of food traceability information, FDA has formally agreed to collaborate with industry through the PFT to coordinate approaches across diverse supply chain sectors and help to more rapidly remove contaminated products from the market. Although interoperability is not a requirement of the Traceability Rule, it is becoming increasingly more important to how food traceability is operationalized within the broader food supply chain, and better food traceability means faster, more accurate, and more efficient outbreak investigations; and that requires FDA having a seat at the table with the broader food industry.

“PFT enables the ability to create an industry ‘town square’ that can bring the best thinking together from different functions and types of companies,” stated John Phillips, Pepsico Senior Vice President of Customer Supply Chain and Go-To-Market. “We have been involved in the planning group, and even in those sessions we have had great conversations on some of the challenges that we need to solve, and even came up with some creative ideas for many of them,” he said. Companies will benefit and help the industry by being engaged in this forum and ensuring their input helps craft the industry path forward.

It is important to understand that the PFT is for the entire supply chain through to retail foods and restaurants – large and small. “I think a lot of people assume that traceability is going to impact only the big restaurants. And that’s not true. We’ve done the math on this; we believe FSMA 204 will directly impact more than 85% of all restaurants across the United States – including mobile food trucks and food carts,” said National Restaurant Association Vice President of Food Science Patrick Guzzle. “We believe the impact will be great to the industry, so the importance of hearing from small vendors from small restaurants is really important as this all comes together.”

Whether a producer, manufacturer, processor, distributor, retailer or restaurant, becoming a member of PFT offers a strategic advantage that goes beyond compliance with the FSMA Traceability Rule. Members gain direct influence on how traceability systems are developed and implemented, a unique access to collaboration with the FDA, and the opportunity to network and collaborate with a diverse group of stakeholders across the food supply chain. Sharing best practices and learning from industry-wide approaches, can help a company innovate and improve its traceability processes, leading to greater operational efficiency, reducing duplication of efforts and lowering compliance costs, and ultimately providing long-term cost savings.

“In essence, PFT membership is an investment in your company’s future, ensuring that you play a key role in advancing safer, more transparent food supply chains that align with your company’s needs,” Marshall said.

Over the next few months, PFT will finalize the organizational details, begin an initial member sign-on period, and hold Board Member elections with a goal of holding its first Board Meeting on October 23. For more information and membership application, visit pftraceability.org.


Editors Note: the key leaders of the PFT are guests of Rick Biros’ webinar series, It’s 5 o’clock somewhere… A happy hour conversation about Food Safety & Quality, December 18 at 4pm EST. Register Here