Eric Weisbrod, InfinityQS
FST Soapbox

Quality in the Cloud: 5 Tools to Remedy Food Safety Fears

By Eric Weisbrod

…and prioritize resources—ultimately improving quality and compliance across the entire organization. Verify ongoing regulatory compliance and enforce accountability for all required checks and tests. View supplier data in real time…

…and prioritize resources—ultimately improving quality and compliance across the entire organization. Verify ongoing regulatory compliance and enforce accountability for all required checks and tests. View supplier data in real time…

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Holly Mockus, Product Manager, Alchemy Systems

Real Training Needs ā€“ Time and Resources

By Holly Mockus

…more. Delivering the content in an environment that is conducive to group training where there are now distractions, all questions and answers can be heard by the participants in another…

…more. Delivering the content in an environment that is conducive to group training where there are now distractions, all questions and answers can be heard by the participants in another…

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FSMA: What’s the Latest, and What Do You Need to Know

By Michael Biros

…handling, and mixing and similar activities. Deliberate acts of contamination may come from acts of terrorism; disgruntled employees, consumers, or competitors; or economically motivated adulteration such as the melamine tainted…

…handling, and mixing and similar activities. Deliberate acts of contamination may come from acts of terrorism; disgruntled employees, consumers, or competitors; or economically motivated adulteration such as the melamine tainted…

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Food Defense Culture is Coming

By Maria Fontanazza

…is secure. Beyond the standard questions that companies may ask when embarking on this assessment, businesses should identify potential attackers, asking how an attacker could have access to a product…

…is secure. Beyond the standard questions that companies may ask when embarking on this assessment, businesses should identify potential attackers, asking how an attacker could have access to a product…

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Compliance Deadline for ObamaCareā€™s Menu Labeling Rule Extended One Year

By Maria Fontanazza

…FDA agrees additional time is necessary for the agency to provide further clarifying guidance to help facilitate efficient compliance across all covered businesses and for covered establishments to come into…

…FDA agrees additional time is necessary for the agency to provide further clarifying guidance to help facilitate efficient compliance across all covered businesses and for covered establishments to come into…

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Ron Harrison, Ph.D., Director of Technical Services, Orkin, LLC
Bug Bytes

Donā€™t Welcome Pests into Your Facility This Winter

By Ron Harrison, Ph.D.

…management professional to identify the most common places pests reside in around your property. These can include loading docks, utility rooms, employee break rooms, dumpsters and trash cans, storage rooms…

…management professional to identify the most common places pests reside in around your property. These can include loading docks, utility rooms, employee break rooms, dumpsters and trash cans, storage rooms…

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FDA Moves to Permit Salt Substitutes to Reduce Sodium in Standardized Foods

By Food Safety Tech Staff

comments on potential salt substitutes that may be used as a result of the new flexibility provided in this proposed rule. Comments can be submitted until 120 days after the…

comments on potential salt substitutes that may be used as a result of the new flexibility provided in this proposed rule. Comments can be submitted until 120 days after the…

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Salim Al Babili, Ph.D., KAUST
Food Genomics

To Boost Crop Resilience, We Need to Read Our Plantsā€™ Genetic Codes

By Salim Al Babili, Ph.D.

…when the Spanish arrived in South America and has only recently been revived as a new crop of global interest,” says Mark Tester, a professor of plant science at KAUST…

…when the Spanish arrived in South America and has only recently been revived as a new crop of global interest,” says Mark Tester, a professor of plant science at KAUST…

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Lessons Learned from Intentional Adulteration Vulnerability Assessments (Part I)

By Frank Pisciotta, Spence Lane

…the completion of effective background checks for all persons who will be allowed in the facility unescorted. This includes temporary employees and contractors. A common theme in many of the…

…the completion of effective background checks for all persons who will be allowed in the facility unescorted. This includes temporary employees and contractors. A common theme in many of the…

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Laura Lombard, IMEPIK
FST Soapbox

Is Your Facility Properly Prepared to Ensure Preventive Controls are Met?

By Laura Lombard

…Lastly, a company with a robust safety culture has a competitive advantage over competitors who are less inclined to invest sufficiently in their food safety training and may suffer financial…

…Lastly, a company with a robust safety culture has a competitive advantage over competitors who are less inclined to invest sufficiently in their food safety training and may suffer financial…

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