Tag Archives: produce

Traceability in food manufacturing, Honeywell
Beltway Beat

Produce Traceability: Uncovering the Gaps in Your Program

By Samantha Humphrey
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Traceability in food manufacturing, Honeywell

The produce industry handles an estimated six billion cases of produce in the U.S. each year. [i] Because a significant portion of this produce travels through the supply chain to reach customers, many produce companies already have traceability program in place. With the finalization of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Final Rule: Requirements for Additional Traceability Records for Certain Foods [ii] (Food Traceability Rule), the question is whether these existing traceability programs, systems, and procedures meet new FDA requirements.

A gap assessment can do just that—determine what requirements your existing programs already meet and identify where improvements are needed to comply with the final Food Traceability Rule by the January 2026 deadline.

Steps for Conducting a Gap Assessment

Not surprisingly, many produce companies already have elements of a traceability program that fulfill some of the Final Rule’s requirements. A gap assessment serves as the starting point for:

  • Understanding your regulatory obligations compared to your current compliance status.
  • Determining if existing programs, procedures, and systems are good as is, need improvement, or are missing and need to be developed.

Performing a gap assessment will help you compare what you have to what you need. The following steps will get you started:

  1. Find the most current copy of the standard you will compare against your programs. You will likely want to use the Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Title 21, Chapter 1, Subchapter A, Part 1, Subpart S [iii], as it outlines specific expectations for general provisions, Traceability Plan, records of Critical Tracking Events (CTEs), and more.
  2. After you are familiar with the rule, review the most current version of your own program. A systematic review over time may make conducting a gap analysis more manageable. Start by identifying which of your products are on the Food Traceability List (FTL) [iv], what CTEs you perform, and which Key Data Elements (KDEs) you are already collecting. Have you overlooked a CTE? Have you forgotten a KDE? Refer to the questions below as you conduct this gap assessment. Document all missing elements.
  3. Compare your Traceability Plan to what is required by the new rule. Document the items you have identified as missing from your Traceability Plan.
  4. Develop and document your strategy to address each gap identified in steps 2 and 3 above. There may be some items that can be addressed immediately, while others may require additional time and support. You may need to create new logs, enlist the help of other departments, or acquire approval from your supervisors to make the necessary changes. Set realistic goals to implement the required updates by the compliance date.
  5. Train or retrain employees. Tell them why the changes are happening, acknowledge the importance of compliance with the new rule, and empower them to make the necessary changes.
  6. Notify management, customers, and suppliers of changes to your program to ensure everyone involved is on the same page.

Turning Gaps into Opportunities: Key Questions to Ask

Asking the right questions is key to ensure your gap assessment identifies required missing elements in your programs compared to the rule. The following questions can help guide your food traceability gap assessment:

  • Do you manufacture, pack, process, or hold any of the foods found on the FTL? The FDA developed the FTL considering a few specific food safety factors, including frequency of outbreaks, occurrences of illness, severity of illness, likelihood of contamination, potential for pathogen growth, process contamination, consumption rate, and cost of illness. Comparing your products to the FTL may indicate the likelihood of your produce being implicated in a recall or outbreak event and will underscore the importance of your organization’s compliance with the Traceability Rule.
  • Are you performing CTEs? These include harvesting, cooling, initial packing, first land-based receiving (food obtained from a fishing vessel), shipping, receiving, or transforming any of the foods on the FTL. If so, specific data must be collected. Do you understand and are you meeting these data collection requirements?
  • Does your organization capture data that is considered a KDE? For example, do you apply lot codes to your products? Do you collect detailed location information about where your product is harvested (e.g., farm site A, field 7)? Determine if there is any specific information, data points, or additional KDEs you must capture and maintain to meet FDA requirements (e.g., date, harvest crew, common name of the commodity and variety, etc.). The data required is dependent on which of the CTEs you are performing. This guide from the FDA[v] can help determine whether you are collecting all the required data. Once you know what data you are missing, as identified by your gap assessment, you can determine how to best record it (e.g., developing new processes and procedures, implementing a new lot code sticker program).
  • Do you have a sufficient Traceability Plan? Does your Plan cover all the elements required in the Food Traceability Rule? The Traceability Plan must include the following, at a minimum:
    • Description of the procedures used to maintain required records, as well as how to format and where to store those records.
    • Description of how lot codes are assigned.
    • Assignment of and contact information for a point person who can answer questions about the Traceability Plan and/or traceability records.
    • Map identifying the farms where FTL produce is grown.
    • Updates to reflect updated or new practices.
  • What recordkeeping system are you using? Are there upgrades you need to make to your recordkeeping system to solve your data collection pain points? Can your system handle new requirements? Is required information readily retrievable? While hard copies in binders and Excel spreadsheets can work, an electronic document management system can create efficiencies and standardization, reduce human error, and improve accessibility when managing vast amounts of data. Your gap assessment can help you identify and better understand your needs and requirements prior to investing in an IT solution that helps streamline your traceability process and improve overall compliance efficiency.
  • How are you sharing data? What collaborative activities can you and your suppliers/buyers perform to ensure efficient data sharing? How do you communicate and with what frequency? What systems are your partners using? What is the best way to connect them to enable data sharing? It is important to ensure you have established processes, systems, and methods of communication throughout the supply chain to facilitate the required documentation, information sharing, and collaboration.

The answers to these questions will identify elements that you need to implement to help ensure compliance. Getting started on your gap assessment now affords time for produce companies to identify compliance program gaps, test protocols and verify their effectiveness, implement corrective actions, and ensure adequate traceability processes are in place before the January 2026 deadline.

[i] The Produce Traceability Initiative. https://producetraceability.org/.

[ii] U.S. Food and Drug Administration. FSMA Final Rule on Requirements for Additional Traceability Records for Certain Foods. June 27, 2024. https://www.fda.gov/food/food-safety-modernization-act-fsma/fsma-final-rule-requirements-additional-traceability-records-certain-foods.

[iii] Code of Federal Regulation. Title 21, Chapter 1, Subchapter A, Part 1, Subpart S. July 3, 2024. https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-21/chapter-I/subchapter-A/part-1/subpart-S?toc=1.

[iv] U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Food Traceability List. March 30, 2024. https://www.fda.gov/food/food-safety-modernization-act-fsma/food-traceability-list.

[v] U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Food Traceability Rule: Critical Tracking Events (CTEs) and Key Data Elements (KDEs). https://www.fda.gov/media/163132/download?attachment.

Ana Allende
Food Genomics

Listeria Contamination Patterns in Produce Processors

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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Ana Allende

A study published in Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems (May 2023) looked at Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) contamination patterns in three produce processing facilities—one with a cut iceberg lettuce line, one with a cut fruit line and one with a salad bowl line. Lead author Ana Allende, Ph.D., and her team from the CEBAS-CSIC research institute in Spain also tested biocides against resident Lm populations to gauge efficacy and potential loss of sensitivity.

The two-year project was designed to yield practical data about produce facilities’ environmental monitoring plans as well as the efficacy of sanitation programs.

Their first objective was to understand how different factors such as zoning, sanitary design and connectivity affected the probability of contamination in different fresh produce processing facilities. In the case of salad bowls, the ingredients included not only leafy greens and other vegetables but also proteins from meat, fish and cheese, or pastas from different sources.

The researchers divided the processing areas into three zones based on their proximity to contact with the produce. Zone 1 involved areas with direct contact, such as knives and conveyor belts. Zone 2 included surfaces that did not contact food but were in close proximity. Zone 3 included more remote noncontact surfaces, such as drains, floors and ceilings, that could potentially lead to contaminating zones 1 and 2.

The researchers conducted systematic sampling of the facilities at the end of the day before cleaning and sanitizing. They also resampled the three processing lines after the cleaning and disinfection activities. In addition to the more than 600 total samples from the three zones, the researchers collected 45 samples from raw ingredients and end products.


Regardless of the facility, the highest number of positive Lm samples came from Zone 3. Whole genome sequencing revealed that the same two serotypes of Lm were found on the three processing lines after the two samplings, before and after cleaning.

“This makes us understand that these serotypes are inherent and are moving from zone 3 to zone 1,” said Allende.

When evaluating the efficacy of biocides against resident Lm isolates, “we found, indeed, all of the isolates obtained from the environment after cleaning were sensitive to the biocides,” she said.

While the research aimed to provide relevant results for the three cooperating produce processors, it also has broader implications for the produce industry about how they should conduct environmental monitoring including sampling after processing just before cleaning, Allende said. In addition, it should help processors better understand the main contamination points in zone 1 and how they relate to identical or similar Lm sequence types in zones 2 and 3.

“One of the hypotheses we had was the raw material was introducing much of the Listeria,” she said. “This was before we did sampling and the whole genome sequencing to understand the isolates and that they were not all coming from the raw material. Some of the contamination was probably coming from zone 3 in the different processing facilities.”

Image: Ana Allende, Ph.D.

Abby Snyder

Superheated “Dry” Steam: A Potential Sanitizer for Produce

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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Abby Snyder

Superheated Steam (SHS) may offer dry facilities a new, effective option to destroy pathogens on produce harvesting, processing, and packing tools. SHS differs from the visible, wet steam vapor emitted by a tea kettle in that it is invisible and acts like a hot gas at super-high temperatures. Applied to surfaces, SHS has been shown to kill pathogens without leaving moisture or condensation. However, little is known about its performance on a pilot scale.

A new research project from Abby Snyder, Ph.D., of Cornell University hopes to fill this void. As part of her research, titled “Practical application of superheated steam to harvesting, processing, and produce packing tools and equipment,” Dr. Snyder is evaluating how well SHS works and how current tools need to be improved to better support the produce industry.

She also plans to address other considerations, including cost, range of applications, wear and tear on equipment, changes to ambient relative humidity and worker safety.

“It’s a really tough problem to solve,” Dr. Snyder said. “We wanted to bring some practical assessments to our academic research to better understand whether these tools would be useful to the industry.”

Joining her as co-principal investigator is V.M. Balasubramaniam, Ph.D., with Ohio State University, who brings expertise in food and agricultural engineering. “He’s an important collaborator because the project is at the intersection of produce safety and process engineering,” said Dr. Snyder, whose background is microbial food safety. “This is an interdisciplinary approach to developing novel sanitation technology.”

The researchers are using portable pilot-scale roll-along and backpack units fabricated by a collaborating manufacturer. As part of the project, they reviewed Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines and developed worker safety and operator compliance training.

Initial trials looked at thermal distribution across stainless steel coupons—or discs—at ambient temperatures using three different coupon thicknesses and three different nozzle distances. Temperatures at the contact point ranged from 170 to 320 degrees C (338 to 608 degrees F), depending on nozzle distance. The researchers plan to conduct similar tests with concrete coupons as well as ones made of materials used in picking bags.

Although SHS doesn’t use large amounts of water, it is unknown whether prolonged use of the technology could change ambient relative humidity in enclosed spaces, depending on size and ventilation. As part of the project, Dr. Snyder said they will look at whether those relative humidity changes could potentially lead to condensation with extended SHS use. They also plan to characterize how rapidly temperature dissipates across surfaces.

One of the project’s objectives is to better understand how much the industry would be willing to pay for SHS technology. To that end, Dr. Snyder is conducting an online survey that proposes different scenarios.

Because SHS doesn’t use large amounts of water, the technology could offer the produce industry potential water savings in addition to more sanitation options.



Baker Farms Recalls Kale Due to Listeria Contamination

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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Baker issued a recall of its Baker Farms, Kroger, & SEG Grocers brand names of kale following a customer notification of Listeria monocytogenes contamination. The 1-lb plastic bags of kale have best buy dates of 09-18-2021 and were distributed to retail stores in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Caroline, New York and Virginia. Thus far no consumers have reported illness.

More information about the Baker Farms kale recall is available on the FDA website.

More information about the Kroger bagged kale recall is available on the FDA website.

Susanne Kuehne, Decernis
Food Fraud Quick Bites

A Shift In Fraudulent Activities

By Susanne Kuehne
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Susanne Kuehne, Decernis
Food fraud, moonshine
Find records of fraud such as those discussed in this column and more in the Food Fraud Database, owned and operated by Decernis, a Food Safety Tech advertiser. Image credit: Susanne Kuehne.

Many things have changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and here is some good news: Organized crime activity related to food crime has decreased during the first months of 2020; the crimes shifted to medicines and medical devices instead. Apparently, the pandemic has disrupted the criminal activities and supply chains. During another successful Europol and Interpol operation, OPSON IX, 12,000 tons of products with a value of $40 million were seized. The top of the list of affected products were animal feed, alcoholic beverages and produce. The two million liters of fraudulent and substandard alcoholic beverages seized show that these products continue to be a significant threat to human health.


  1. Europol. (May 27, 2021). “Operation OPSON IX – Analysis Report”.
Deane Falcone, CropOne
FST Soapbox

E. Coli on the Rise: Lettuce Explain

By Deane Falcone, Ph.D.
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Deane Falcone, CropOne

The CDC estimates that 48 million people in the United States become sick with a foodborne illness each year. Some of the most common of these illnesses include norovirus, Salmonella, and E. coli. Each can result in a range of symptoms, from mild discomfort to serious, life-threatening illnesses. Although the coronavirus pandemic has worked to create a sense of heightened public health awareness, one of these common, yet preventable, foodborne illnesses—E. coli—is still on the rise.

What Is E. coli and How Common Are Infections?

According to the CDC, Escherichia coli (E. coli) are a large and diverse group of bacteria found in the environment, foods, and intestines of people and animals. Most strains of the bacteria are harmless, but certain ones can make you sick, causing diarrhea, urinary tract infections, respiratory illness and pneumonia, or other illnesses.

When it comes to understanding the scale of the problem, upwards of 70,000 Americans are estimated to fall ill because of E. coli each year, thousands of whom require hospitalization. E. coli outbreaks have been occurring with regularity, and the number of cases are increasing instead of slowing down, in frequency. In November 2020 alone, there were three ongoing E.coli outbreaks in the United States, accounting for 56 infections, 23 hospitalizations, and one death. At least one of these outbreaks stemmed from a common target for the bacteria: Romaine lettuce. When it comes to E. coli-contaminated foods, fresh leafy greens such as romaine or spinach are the most common vehicles for E. coli that can pose serious risks to human health.

Leafy Greens: An Ideal Target

Leafy greens are an easy target for E. coli for a number of reasons, the first being their popularity. The public recognition of the health value of consuming greater amounts of fresh leafy greens has correspondingly increased the production area of such produce to meet consumer demand. Crop production over wider areas makes tracking of contamination in the field more difficult and the greater consumption increases chances of eating contaminated leafy greens. This type of produce also grows low to the ground, increasing chances of exposing the edible, leafy portions of the lettuce to contaminated water. Finally, other vegetables are often cooked prior to consumption, killing the bacteria, whereas romaine and other leafy greens are often consumed raw.

Once this type of produce is exposed to contaminants, several characteristics of leaf surfaces make removal of bacteria such as E. coli difficult. Studies have shown that, at the microscopic level, the “roughness” or shape of the leaf surface can influence the degree to which bacteria adheres to leaves. Bacteria have specific protein fibers on their surface that are involved in the attachment of the bacteria to the leaf surface and this has been shown to be dependent on the surface roughness of the leaf. Other factors include the “pores” on leaf surfaces—stomata—through which plants take up carbon dioxide and release oxygen and water vapor. Pathogenic E. coli has been observed to enter such stomatal pores and therefore is often very resistant to removal by washing. Moreover, the density of stomata within leaves can vary between different varieties of lettuce or spinach and so affects the degree of E. coli attachment. Additional factors such as leaf age, damage and amount of contaminating bacteria also affect how effectively bacteria adhere to the leaves, making washing difficult.

Are E. Coli Outbreaks Avoidable?

Unfortunately, E. coli outbreaks will likely remain prevalent because of the challenge of interrogating all irrigation water for large and widespread production fields. Once microbial contaminants are present on fresh leafy produce, their complete removal by washing cannot be guaranteed, and it is very difficult to monitor every plot of crops continuously. However, there is a solution to this problem: Controlled environment agriculture (CEA). CEA is an broad term used for many varieties of indoor plant cultivation and can be defined as a method of cultivating plants in an enclosed environment, using technology to ensure optimal growing conditions.

Because outbreaks caused by E. coli-contaminated produce are most often due to produce coming into contact with contaminated irrigation water, indoor growing provides an ideal solution with zero reliance on irrigation water. It also offers a sealed environment with virtually no risk of contamination from animal excrement or other pathogen sources. Indoor farming also makes additional features possible that enhance safety including the use of purified water and handling done only by staff wearing protective clothing (for the plants) including lab coats, hair nets, and gloves. No ungloved hand ever comes into contact with the produce either during growth or in packaging. These standards are nearly impossible to achieve in a traditional farm setting.

Using hydroponic technology enables farming in a clean and contaminant-free, indoor environment. Applying best hygienic practices with this growing model provides safe and clean growth in a sealed, controlled environment, with virtually no risk of illness-causing pathogens.

At this point, not everyone can access food coming from a clean, indoor facility. At the consumer level the best way to avoid E. coli infection remains simply being diligent when it comes to washing. Even if produce is labeled “triple-washed,” if it was grown outdoors, the consumer should always wash it again. Or better yet, look for indoor, hydroponically-grown produce to further mitigate the risk.

Although these outbreaks will continue, as they do, we suspect more consumers will embrace indoor-grown produce and this emerging form of agriculture as a safer alternative. As consumers increasingly understand the advantages of indoor growing, such as enhanced quality and longer shelf life, the popularity of this growth method will increase. Eventually, a greater quantity of the most commonly-infected produce will come from these controlled environments, gradually producing an overall safer and healthier mass product.

magnifying glass

‘Out of Sight, Out of Mind?’ Researchers Explore Produce Distribution Centers as Contamination Sources

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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magnifying glass

When looking at possible sources of contamination, far less attention has been put on produce distribution centers (DCs). “I think the DCs are a little out of sight, out of mind,” said Laurel Dunn, Ph.D., assistant professor in the department of food science & technology at the University of Georgia in a release from the Center for Produce Safety (CPS). “We have been so focused on foodborne outbreaks and what’s happening at the field level or packinghouse wash water and employees and hand hygiene.” As such, in an announcement from CPS, Dunn discusses a project that seeks to understand the contamination issues happening at the DC level, namely vented produce in breathable containers or stored in coolers. Examples of the items being examined are berries, tomatoes, and onions in mesh bags.

Dunn, along with researchers Laura K. Strawn, Ph.D. of Virginia Tech and Ben Chapman, Ph.D., of North Carolina State University, are focusing on Listeria due to the fact that biofilms can thrive indoors and be difficult to eliminate. The research project, “Environmental microbial risks associated with vented produce in distribution centers”, began on January 1 but was slowed considerably as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus far the researchers have collected samples from 11 DCs (they initially had a goal of sampling from at least 25 DCs), most of which was conducted before the pandemic. Due to travel restrictions, the researchers may only be able to get samples from operations east of the Mississippi River.

Depending on the outcome of the study, the researchers may also formulate written risk-reduction guidance for DCs. Based on the samples collected, Dunn anticipates they will be able to devise useful information to help DCs.

Hyvee Garden Salad

FDA, CDC Investigating Multistate Cyclospora Outbreak Involving Bagged Salads

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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Hyvee Garden Salad

An outbreak of Cyclospora infections is being linked to bagged, garden salads sold at ALDI, Hy-Vee and Jewel-Osco grocery stores in six states across the Midwest (Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri and Nebraska). The FDA, CDC and other state and local agencies are investigating the multistate outbreak, which has sickened 76 people and resulted in 16 hospitalizations. No deaths have been reported.

The FDA and CDC are recommending that consumers should not eat the products, and restaurants and retailers should not serve or sell the products, which fall under the following brand names: ALDI Little Salad Bar Brand Garden Salad from ALDI grocery stores, Hy-Vee Brand Garden Salad from Hy-Vee grocery stores, and Signature Farms Brand Garden Salad from Jewel-Osco. The illness onset date range is currently May 11–June 14, 2020.

Maria Fontanazza, Food Safety Tech
From the Editor’s Desk

COVID-19 in the Food Industry: So Many Questions

By Maria Fontanazza
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Maria Fontanazza, Food Safety Tech

Industries across the global are reeling from the COVID-19 crisis. Although we are clearly not in a state of “business as usual”, the food industry is essential. And as this entire industry must continue to move forward in its duty to provide safe, quality food products, so many questions remain. These questions include: Should I test my employees for fever before allowing them into the manufacturing facility? What do we do if an employee tests positive for COVID-19? How can the company continue safe production? Should we sanitize between shifts on the production line? Should employees on the production floor wear face masks and shields? At what temperature can the virus be killed? The list truly goes on. We saw it ourselves during the first Food Safety Tech webinar last week, “COVID-19 in the Food Industry: Protecting Your Employees and Consumers” (you can register and listen to the recording here). Amidst their incredibly busy schedules, we were lucky to be graced with the presence and expertise of Shawn Stevens (food safety lawyer, Food Industry Counsel, LLC), April Bishop (senior director of food safety, TreeHouse Foods, Inc. and Jennifer McEntire, Ph.D. (vice president of food safety, United Fresh Produce Association) for this virtual event.

From a manufacturing point of view, we learned about the important ways companies can protect their employees—via thorough cleaning of high-touch areas, vigilance with CDC-recommended sanitizers, conducting risk assessments related to social distancing and employees in the production environment—along with the “what if’s” related to employees who test positive for COVID-19. Although FDA has made it clear that there is currently no indication of human transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus through food or food packaging, some folks are concerned about this issue as well.

“The U.S. food supply remains safe for both people and animals. There is no evidence of human or animal food or food packaging being associated with transmission of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19,” said Frank Yiannas, FDA deputy commissioner for food policy and response in the agency’s blog last week. “Unlike foodborne gastrointestinal viruses like norovirus and hepatitis A that make people ill through contaminated food, SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, is a virus that causes respiratory illness. This virus is thought to spread mainly from person to person. Foodborne exposure to this virus is not known to be a route of transmission.”

As the industry continues to adjust to this new and uncertain environment, we at Food Safety Tech are working to keep you in touch with experts who can share best practices and answer your questions. I encourage you to join us on Thursday, April 2 for our second webinar in this series that I referenced earlier, COVID-19 in the Food Industry: Enterprise Risk Management and the Supply Chain. We will be joined by Melanie Neumann, executive vice president & general counsel for Matrix Sciences International, Inc. and Martin Wiedmann, Ph.D., Gellert Family Professor in Food Safety at Cornell University, and the event promises to reveal more important information about how we can work through this crisis together.

We hear it often in our industry: “Food safety is not a competitive advantage.” This phrase has never been more true.

Stay safe, stay well, and thank you for all that you do.

Susanne Kuehne, Decernis
Food Fraud Quick Bites

Organic Foods Are Growing And So Is Fraud

By Susanne Kuehne
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Susanne Kuehne, Decernis
Vegetables, food fraud, Decernis
Find records of fraud such as those discussed in this column and more in the Food Fraud Database.
Image credit: Susanne Kuehne

USDA Certified Organic foods keep enjoying a robust growth, with fruit and vegetables leading, followed by dairy and beverages. Fraudulent organic certification is a growing problem, especially because food supply chains are becoming more complex, with a large amount of organic food now being imported. Violations by fraudulent organic certification are punishable by hefty fines and can be reported to the National Organic Program Online Complaint Portal.


  1. United States Department of Agriculture (March 9, 2020) Scientific Reports 9: “Fraudulent Organic Certificates”.