This year, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) sixth annual World Food Safety Day is June 7. The idea is it will draw attention to food safety incidents.
Predictive Analytics for Proactive Food Safety
Many of the most popular predictive analytics use cases revolve around risk assessments and optimization. While businesses largely use them to drive efficiency and financial gains, the same tech can help make the food and beverage industry safer.
Food Safety Technology Can Protect Businesses from Recalls and Other Risks
Recalls represent one of the largest threats to a food company’s profitability and reputation. In recent years, technology solutions such as cloud-based software have been introduced to better prepare and safeguard businesses.
Food Traceability and Authentication in the AI Era
Food traceability provides comprehensive information about a product’s history and origin, facilitating efficient recalls and supply chain management. However, distinct types of food fraud, such as concealment, counterfeit, and mislabelling, pose significant challenges. The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and new regulatory measures, like the FDA’s traceability rule, enhance food safety and authenticity, fostering a more transparent and reliable food supply chain.
Many food suppliers are investigating and making early investments in the adoption of digital technology to aid and automate their food safety programs. One area of intense interest has been the increasing application of digital automation within food safety testing programs.
The USDA, FDA and HHS have announced efforts to combat the spread of H5N1 and provide financial support for lost milk production.
The economic impact of food safety issues can be significant. Food safety concerns can limit the ability of countries to export their products to other markets, leading to decreased economic growth. To mitigate these impacts, governments and industry can invest in education and awareness campaigns, improve access to clean water and electricity, and promote sustainable agriculture practices. By taking these steps, we can work towards a safer and more sustainable global food supply.
Resistance to digital transformation in food safety and quality remains strong, largely due to the view that digitization is a “compliance” necessity. This is short-sighted. Following are key business benefits and justifications to consider.
Under the recently issued final determination, FSIS will consider any raw breaded stuffed chicken products that include a chicken component that tested positive for Salmonella at 1 CFU per gram or higher to be adulterated. The determination, including FSIS’ sampling and verification testing, will be effective 12 months after the April 28 publication in the Federal Register.
Predictive maintenance goes beyond traditional reactive and preventive maintenance practices. Instead of waiting for something to break down or just checking machines on a regular maintenance schedule, predictive maintenance uses data from variety of tools to predict equipment failures before they happen. Here’s how to get started.