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Beltway Beat

More Ground Cinnamon Products Added to FDA Public Health Alert Due to Presence of Elevated Levels of Lead

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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Following the October 2023 recall of cinnamon apple puree and applesauce products due to elevated lead levels linked to the cinnamon in those products and the concern for lead toxicity in children, the FDA initiated a targeted survey of ground cinnamon products from discount retail stores and analyzed the samples for lead and chromium.

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Beltway Beat

USDA Proposes New Policy to Reduce Salmonella in Raw Poultry Products

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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The proposal would establish final product standards to prevent raw chicken carcasses, chicken parts, ground chicken, and ground turkey products that contain any type of Salmonella at or above 10 colony forming units (CFU) per gram/ml and any detectable level of at least one of the Salmonella serotypes of public health significance from entering commerce.

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Addressing Foreign Material Contamination in Food Products

By Kurt Westmoreland
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Foreign material contamination in food production is a widespread issue that can occur at any stage of the supply chain, demanding rigorous detection and traceability measures. Contaminants can originate from all phases of manufacturing—from raw materials to processing and production—and can pose significant safety risks and operational challenges. Utilizing advanced technologies and third-party inspection can help mitigate these risks, ensuring product safety, protecting brand reputation and maintaining regulatory compliance.

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Food Defense in the Age of AI: Are We Prepared?

By Radojka Barycki
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As the food industry continues to embrace technological advancements, the importance of integrating robust cybersecurity measures into food defense strategies cannot be overstated. By understanding the potential risks and implementing proactive measures, we can protect our food supply from malicious actors and ensure the safety and security of the public.

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