Queso Fresco

FDA Releases Listeriosis Prevention Strategy for Soft Fresh Queso Fresco Cheese

Queso Fresco

Between 2014-2017, the FDA’s Coordinated Outbreak Response and Evaluation (CORE) network investigated five listeriosis outbreaks linked to the consumption of soft fresh queso fresco type (QFT) cheeses. Most recently, in 2021 CORE investigated an outbreak linked to soft fresh QFT cheeses that sickened 13 people. In response, the FDA has released a summary of a new strategy aimed at reducing foodborne outbreaks and illness associated with the consumption of soft fresh Queso Fresco type cheeses.

The agency noted that, historically QFT cheese-related outbreaks were found to be associated with unpasteurized milk; however, recent investigations have included cheeses made from pasteurized milk with contamination occurring during the cheese making process.

The prevention strategy is based on review of the outbreak findings, historical data, and engagements with industry and other stakeholders, and includes:

  • Prioritizing inspections with environmental sampling at soft fresh QFT manufacturing firms.
  • Engaging with state partners to increase sampling of QFT cheese at retail operations in the U.S.  for the presence of L. monocytogenes.
  • Developing and distributing a publication that outlines the potential causes of recent listeriosis outbreaks in soft cheeses and a fact sheet that describes requirements for Listeria control in cheese manufacturing.
  • Collaborating with states and other food safety partners to disseminate training and education materials to producers and consumers of soft fresh QFT.

By implementing these activities, the FDA hopes to:

  • Ensure that the cheese industry is aware of regulatory requirements applicable to the production of QFT.
  • Enhance compliance with the applicable regulatory requirements by producers of QFT.
  • Verify through inspections and sampling that producers of QFT are adhering to those requirements.

As part of the prevention strategy the FDA has also released a fact sheet to help manufacturers of soft queso fresco-type cheeses better understand food safety risks the can occur during production. The fact sheet also identifies food safety resources available to manufacturers.

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FDA Calls for Enhanced Powdered Infant Formula Safety Measures in Letter to Industry

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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On March 8, the FDA sent a letter to manufacturers, packers, distributors, exporters, importers, and retailers involved in the manufacturing and distribution of powdered infant formula to share current safety information and call on the industry to take prompt action to improve processes and programs for the protection of our infants.

The agency notes that since the 2022 infant formula recalls and resulting shortages, it has been working to improve the resiliency of the infant formula supply by issuing multiple guidance documents intended to help facilitate the availability of safe and nutritionally adequate products in the U.S. marketplace through the exercise of enforcement discretion. The FDA has also taken steps to enhance the safety of powdered infant formula through the development of a Cronobacter prevention strategy, enhanced inspectional activities, increased engagement with the infant formula industry, and by pursuing regulatory action when appropriate.

In addition, over the past two months, food safety staff have been meeting regularly with manufacturers to further develop the prevention strategy to help prevent Cronobacter illness associated with consumption of powdered infant formula. The letter sent to manufacturers reflects the information the agency gained through interactions with industry as well as the latest available science on improving the microbiological safety of powdered infant formula.

The FDA called on members of the infant formula industry to use the information in the letter to take prompt action to improve processes and programs for the protection of infants. In addition to this call to action, Congress recently added new requirements for manufacturers aimed at mitigating supply chain disruptions through mandatory shortage notifications and risk management plans.



USDA Announces $43M Investment in Meat and Poultry Processing Research, Expansion and Innovation

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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As part of its ongoing efforts to improve the safety of meat and poultry at every stage along the supply chain, the USDA has made an investment of more than $43 million in meat and poultry processing research, innovation and expansion. This investment is funded through the American Rescue Plan and the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI).

As part of this total investment, the University of Arkansas was awarded a $5 million grant from the AFRI Center of Excellence for Meat and Poultry Processing and Food Safety Research and Innovation (MPPFSRI). In addition, $13.9 million in grants from the Meat and Poultry Processing Research and Innovation—Small Business Innovation Research Phase III—program were awarded to 14 small and mid-sized meat and poultry processors. These grants are administered by USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

Additionally, one $25 million Meat and Poultry Processing Expansion Program (MPPEP) grant was awarded to Wholestone Farms for a major plant expansion in Fremont, Nebraska. This grant was administered by USDA Rural Development.

The AFRI MPPFSRI program promotes novel approaches to meat and poultry processing by implementing pioneering production system technology that assesses risk management and overall enhanced food safety. The University of Arkansas, Center for Scalable and Intelligent Automation in Poultry Processing, will incorporate basic and applied research in meat and poultry processing and food safety to promote technological innovation and decrease industry barriers to safety and processing.

As part of the MPPFSRI Phase III funding investments, prior Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) awardees with relevant technologies were invited to apply for funding. Selected awardees must provide nonrestrictive access or nonexclusive licenses to any technologies or related enabling technologies developed under this award to help small and mid-size processors implement the technology.

“Farmers rely on technology to become more efficient and profitable,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. “Under the Biden-Harris Administration and through historic funding investments, USDA continues to invest in research processing expansion that will create new and better markets and expand opportunities for small businesses and rural communities. Investments like these will deliver long-term improvements in meat and poultry processing practices to benefit consumers, farmers and the environment.”


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FDA Provides Update on Restructuring of Human Foods Program

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The FDA announced that it has begun a national search for a new Deputy Commissioner for Human Foods and has provided an update on its proposed restructuring of the agency’s Human Foods Program and Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA).

The Deputy Commissioner for Human Foods will report directly to the FDA Commissioner. As part of its search criteria, the agency notes that it is focused on identifying a candidate that has the expertise to provide leadership over the FDA’s nutrition and food safety programs (including programs aimed at preventing and responding to chemical, microbial, and other hazards).

“The ideal candidate will have executive-level and real-world experience sufficient to lead the newly envisioned Human Foods Program and its vast remit. This individual will also have clear line of authority over the proposed Human Foods Program, which would include the existing components of the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), the Office of Food Policy and Response (OFPR), and certain human foods-related components of ORA,” said the FDA in its statement released on February 28.

In terms of the proposed restructuring of the Human Foods program, the Deputy Commissioner will be charged with setting strategic direction for food inspections and have authority over program resource allocation. To achieve these goals, the agency has started the process of:

  • Assessing specific functions of ORA, CFSAN and OFPR to be unified into a new Office of Integrated Food Safety Systems Partnerships that will engage with state, local, tribal, and territorial food safety regulatory partners. The assessment will also include how best to enhance connectivity with international food safety partnership programs.
  • Analyzing inspection and compliance functions that sit within both ORA and program offices across the agency to determine opportunities to streamline operations and clarify decision-making authority at each step of the inspection process as well as integrate new automation and information technology (IT) support. The new processes will enable ORA and program personnel to function as a multidisciplinary team, eliminating sequential steps, immediately bringing the best expertise to bear on the problem at hand, and speeding decisions.
  • Determining how best to empower the Deputy Commissioner for Human Foods and leaders of other programs, along with the Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs, to oversee program and field resource allocation, including publicly mapping the budget to functional activities to provide clarity on resource allocation.
  • Ensuring seamless coordination across the FDA and state-operated food laboratory operations by evaluating the foods laboratory programs, including the relationships, roles, and responsibilities among CFSAN, CVM, ORA and state-operated laboratories.
  • Improving the FDA’s ability to conduct risk prioritization to deliver the highest public health benefit by performing an extensive evaluation of how the Human Foods Program accomplishes risk management, particularly risk prioritization, given the multitude of demands and the scarce resources, and how this can be used to guide dynamic work planning and resource allocation.
  • Planning for greater enterprise transformation of certain ORA IT functions, which will be coordinated with the FDA’s Office of Digital Transformation (ODT). This move builds on the existing project to create an enterprise-wide platform for managing inspections and compliance activities. ODT will drive upgrades to FDA-wide IT systems.
  • Evaluating training programs, including for FDA investigators, to see how they can best serve the needs of both the FDA, regulatory partners and regulated industry. This will include assessing whether some training functions or roles should be unified into the Human Foods Program and other product programs.

This vision will include moving cosmetics regulation and color certification functions out of CFSAN and into the Office of the Chief Scientist to better align the expertise of the agency’s cosmetics subject matter experts with the Chief Scientist and to leverage the FDA’s areas of expertise across the agency as it works to implement the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022.

“Our proposal specifically tackles issues identified in two independent evaluations of our food programs, one conducted by the Reagan-Udall Foundation and an internal evaluation of the agency’s infant formula response. We’ve heard loud and clear that the current resource distribution and operational model between the FDA’s regulatory programs and field operations are siloed and there’s too much duplication. We intend to fix this and strengthen both the regulatory programs and field force,” said FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf, M.D. “Both subject matter experts in the programs and the expertise of our investigators in the field will see more interaction as part of multidisciplinary teams that have clarity on who is in charge of making decisions.”

The FDA is seeking to finalize its proposal this Fall. It will then undergo a thorough review before advancing to Congress for a 30-day notification period where members may raise any concerns that the FDA may need to address. Afterwards, the FDA will issue a Federal Register Notice, provide notification to and engage, as needed, in negotiations with the Unions for impacted staff, prior to initiation of the new proposal. The FDA emphasized that it will continue to engage with stakeholders throughout this process.


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FDA Releases List of 2023 Priority Guidance Topics for Foods Program

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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The FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) and Office of Food Policy and Response (OFPR) has released a list of draft and final guidance topics that are a priority for the FDA Foods Program to complete during the next 12 months.

The guidance documents do not impose legally enforceable requirements, but they can help stakeholders plan for potential changes that may impact their businesses and organizations. The agency anticipates it will publish many of the listed documents by January 2024.

The priority list of draft and final guidance topics include (by category):


  • Questions and Answers Regarding Food Allergens, Including the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 (Edition 5); Guidance for Industry
  • Compliance Policy Guide Sec. 555.250 Major Food Allergen Labeling and Cross-contact; Draft Guidance for FDA Staff
  • Evaluating the Public Health Importance of Food Allergens Other Than the Major Food Allergens Listed in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; Guidance for FDA Staff and Stakeholders

Food Additives

  • Preparation of Premarket Submission for Food Contact Substances (Chemistry Recommendations): Draft Guidance for Industry
  • Premarket Consultation on Cultured Animal Cell Foods: Draft Guidance for Industry

Food Safety

  • Foods Derived from Plants Produced Using Genome Editing; Draft Guidance for Industry
  • Inorganic Arsenic in Apple Juice: Action Level; Draft Guidance for Industry
  • Detention Without Physical Examination (DWPE) of Fish and Fishery Products Due to the Appearance of Adulteration by Bacterial Pathogens, Unlawful Animal Drugs, Scombrotoxin (Histamine), or Decomposition – Evidence Recommended for Release of Goods Subject to DWPE and Removal of a Foreign Manufacturer’s Goods from DWPE; Draft Guidance for Industry
  • Compliance Policy Guide Sec. 555.320 Listeria monocytogenes in Human Food; Draft Guidance for FDA Staff


  • Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food; Appendix 1: Potential Hazards for Foods and Processes; Draft Guidance for Industry
  • Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food; Chapter 11: Food Allergen Controls; Draft Guidance for Industry
  • Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food; Chapter 16: Validation of Process Controls; Draft Guidance for Industry
  • Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food; Chapter 17: Classifying Food as Ready-To-Eat or Not Ready- to-Eat; Draft Guidance for Industry
  • Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food; Chapter 18: Acidified Foods; Draft Guidance for Industry
  • Compliance with and Recommendations for Implementation of the Standards for the Growing, Harvesting, Packing, and Holding of Produce for Human Consumption for Sprout Operations: Guidance for Industry


  • Labeling of Plant-Based Alternatives to Animal-Derived Foods; Draft Guidance for Industry
  • Questions and Answers About Dietary Guidance Statements in Food Labeling; Draft Guidance for Industry
  • Use of Nutrient Content Claims for Added Sugars in the Labeling of Human Food Products: Draft Guidance for Industry

Public comments on the list of guidance topics, including suggestions for alternatives or recommendations on the topics the FDA is considering, can be submitted to www.regulations.gov, using Docket ID: FDA-2021-N-0553.



DNV Named Certification Body of the Year

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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On February 1, DNV received the BRCGS Certification Body of the Year award, which was announced during the Food Safety Europe conference in London. The BRCGS Certification Body of the Year award recognizes innovation and excellence in standards development, training and third-party certification for companies in the food and consumer products sectors. Only BRCGS 5-Star Certification Bodies are eligible for this award, which is a performance measure of competence and professionalism in delivery of BRCGS audits.

“We are very proud to receive this award and to be a 5-star certification body for the BRCGS food standards. This achievement is all owed to our technical team and auditors,” said Stefano Crea, Global Market & Industries Director in Business Assurance, DNV. “Standards and independent certification are increasingly essential for companies to ensure consumer safety and business continuity. In DNV we strongly believe it is our obligation to contribute to advance certification to help companies improve and build trust.”

BRCGS is a global brand that helps build confidence in the supply chain. Its global food safety standards, such as BRCGS Food and Packaging, are benchmarked by GFSI.

“I am delighted to announce that DNV as the winner of the Certification Body of the Year at this year’s Food Safety Europe Conference. We have enjoyed a long-standing relationship with DNV and rely on excellent partners to deliver our certification programs throughout the world. DNV is a five-star partner that strives to ensure that customers get the best value from our programs,” said Angela O’Donovan, Head of Standards BRCGS.



USDA Report Highlights Multi-Year Trends for Salmonella Antimicrobial Resistance

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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The USDA Food Safety and Inspection Services (FSIS) has released a report highlighting Salmonella antimicrobial resistance (AMR) trends from 2014-2019. The FSIS NARMS Multi-Year Report evaluates trends in Salmonella serotypes and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in certain food animal species and products sampled from 2014 through 2019 as part of FSIS NARMS sampling.

The National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS) is a national public health surveillance system through which FSIS partners with state and local public health departments, the CDC, and the FDA to track changes in antimicrobial susceptibility of select foodborne bacteria found in ill people, retail meats, and food animals.

Hear from Sandra Eskin, Deputy Under Secretary for Food Safety, Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA, on the Proposed Regulatory Framework to Reduce Salmonella Illness at Food Safety Tech’s Hazards Conference, April 3-5 in Ohio.Samples analyzed included cecal (intestinal content) samples from food-producing animals at slaughter and product samples tested as part of Pathogen Reduction/Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (PR/HACCP) sampling. Salmonella isolates were analyzed by serotyping and antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) to evaluate differences in sample source and slaughter class (chicken, turkey, cattle, and swine).

FSIS’ key findings indicate that:

  • The proportion of pan-susceptible Salmonella differed among slaughter classes and sample sources (cecal/product samples): cattle (83%/71%), swine (65%/64%), chicken (35%/43%), and turkey (34%/32%).
  • The top Salmonella serotypes for each slaughter class were Kentucky (chicken), Reading (turkey), Montevideo (cattle), and Anatum (swine).
  • Salmonella Infantis showed an increasing trend in chicken and emerged as one of the top serotypes in both cecal and product samples.
  • Salmonella Infantis from both cecal and product samples showed increased multidrug-resistance.
  • Salmonella isolates from chicken cecal and product samples show a significant increase in resistance to the critically important antimicrobial drugs: ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.
  • Over time, Salmonella isolates from product samples from cattle and swine showed increased resistance to cephalosporin.

FSIS noted that differences and similarities observed in Salmonella serotypes and their AMR between cecal and product samples highlight the importance of monitoring Salmonella from farm-to-slaughter.

Read the full report here.


Boy Drinking Juice

FDA to Hold March 2 Webinar on Action Levels for Lead in Infant Food

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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Boy Drinking Juice

On Thursday, March 2, 2023, at 1:00 pm (ET) the FDA is holding a webinar to discuss the recent draft guidance on lead action levels for foods intended for children less than two years of age. The draft guidance, titled “Action Levels for Lead in Food Intended for Babies and Young Children: Draft Guidance for Industry,” was issued in January. It covers the proposed action levels for lead in a wide range of commercial foods targeted to this population. These levels support the agency’s broader effort to reduce exposure to arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury from foods, and advance the agency’s Closer to Zero action plan goals.

During the webinar the FDA will provide an overview of the draft guidance and answer stakeholder questions. Featured speakers include Dr. Susan Mayne, Director, Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), Dr. Conrad Choiniere, Director, Office of Analytics and Outreach, CFSAN, and Dr. Paul South, Director, Division of Plant Products and Beverages, Office of Food Safety, CFSAN.

Stakeholders can register for the webinar and submit questions or brief comments related to this draft guidance on the registration page. Questions or comments must be submitted by Thursday, February 9, 2023.

The webinar will be recorded and posted to the FDA website.


Chris Downs

IFT’s Chris Downs Named Director of Australian Food and Beverage Accelerator

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Chris Downs

Chris Downs, Ph.D., Board President of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), is taking on a new role as Director of the Food and Beverage Accelerator (FaBA) Trailblazer program funded by the Australian Government Department of Education and hosted by The University of Queensland.

The FaBA Trailblazer program—part of Australia’s $150 million effort to boost growth and innovation in the food and beverage industry—is expected to help attract more than $1 billion in investment and generate more than 15,000 jobs across the Australian food and beverage sector.

“I am truly honored to be a part of such an important program and look forward to continuing my pursuit of a healthier future for Australia’s foods and beverages in this role,” said Dr. Downs.

Dr. Downs has more than 30 years of experience in the agri-food industry as a scientist, leader and executive. He previously served as general manager for Crop and Food Science at the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. He also previously led the Food Program at Australia’s national science agency, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).

In addition to his new role, Dr. Downs will continue to serve as IFT Board President, a role that he assumed in September 2022.

“As IFT Board President, Chris Downs has championed IFT’s mission of promoting and advancing the science of food and its application while engaging and supporting food professionals around the world. His passion for creating a safer and more sustainable food supply through science and innovation is second to none, and we wish him all the best in his new role,” said IFT CEO Christie Tarantino-Dean.


Frank Yiannas, Walmart

Frank Yiannas Announces Resignation from FDA

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Frank Yiannas, Walmart

Frank Yiannas is stepping down from his position as FDA Deputy Commissioner for the Office of Food Policy and Response effective February 24. In his resignation letter, Yiannas cited concerns about the decentralized structure of the FDA foods program and urged the Commissioner to consider “creation of a more integrated operating structure and a fully empowered and experienced Deputy Commissioner for Foods, with direct oversight of those centers and offices responsible for human and animal foods.”

During his tenure, Yiannis oversaw several efforts to modernize and improve food safety, including issuing the FSMA Final Food Traceability Rule and a new, proposed Agricultural Water Standard.

During his tenure, Yiannis has taken an active role engaging regularly with both industry and consumer groups to advance food safety and the prevention of foodborne illness. We at Food Safety Tech thank him for his service to the FDA and American consumers.