Boy Drinking Juice

FDA to Hold March 2 Webinar on Action Levels for Lead in Infant Food

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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Boy Drinking Juice

On Thursday, March 2, 2023, at 1:00 pm (ET) the FDA is holding a webinar to discuss the recent draft guidance on lead action levels for foods intended for children less than two years of age. The draft guidance, titled “Action Levels for Lead in Food Intended for Babies and Young Children: Draft Guidance for Industry,” was issued in January. It covers the proposed action levels for lead in a wide range of commercial foods targeted to this population. These levels support the agency’s broader effort to reduce exposure to arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury from foods, and advance the agency’s Closer to Zero action plan goals.

During the webinar the FDA will provide an overview of the draft guidance and answer stakeholder questions. Featured speakers include Dr. Susan Mayne, Director, Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), Dr. Conrad Choiniere, Director, Office of Analytics and Outreach, CFSAN, and Dr. Paul South, Director, Division of Plant Products and Beverages, Office of Food Safety, CFSAN.

Stakeholders can register for the webinar and submit questions or brief comments related to this draft guidance on the registration page. Questions or comments must be submitted by Thursday, February 9, 2023.

The webinar will be recorded and posted to the FDA website.


Chris Downs

IFT’s Chris Downs Named Director of Australian Food and Beverage Accelerator

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Chris Downs

Chris Downs, Ph.D., Board President of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), is taking on a new role as Director of the Food and Beverage Accelerator (FaBA) Trailblazer program funded by the Australian Government Department of Education and hosted by The University of Queensland.

The FaBA Trailblazer program—part of Australia’s $150 million effort to boost growth and innovation in the food and beverage industry—is expected to help attract more than $1 billion in investment and generate more than 15,000 jobs across the Australian food and beverage sector.

“I am truly honored to be a part of such an important program and look forward to continuing my pursuit of a healthier future for Australia’s foods and beverages in this role,” said Dr. Downs.

Dr. Downs has more than 30 years of experience in the agri-food industry as a scientist, leader and executive. He previously served as general manager for Crop and Food Science at the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. He also previously led the Food Program at Australia’s national science agency, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).

In addition to his new role, Dr. Downs will continue to serve as IFT Board President, a role that he assumed in September 2022.

“As IFT Board President, Chris Downs has championed IFT’s mission of promoting and advancing the science of food and its application while engaging and supporting food professionals around the world. His passion for creating a safer and more sustainable food supply through science and innovation is second to none, and we wish him all the best in his new role,” said IFT CEO Christie Tarantino-Dean.


Frank Yiannas, Walmart

Frank Yiannas Announces Resignation from FDA

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Frank Yiannas, Walmart

Frank Yiannas is stepping down from his position as FDA Deputy Commissioner for the Office of Food Policy and Response effective February 24. In his resignation letter, Yiannas cited concerns about the decentralized structure of the FDA foods program and urged the Commissioner to consider “creation of a more integrated operating structure and a fully empowered and experienced Deputy Commissioner for Foods, with direct oversight of those centers and offices responsible for human and animal foods.”

During his tenure, Yiannis oversaw several efforts to modernize and improve food safety, including issuing the FSMA Final Food Traceability Rule and a new, proposed Agricultural Water Standard.

During his tenure, Yiannis has taken an active role engaging regularly with both industry and consumer groups to advance food safety and the prevention of foodborne illness. We at Food Safety Tech thank him for his service to the FDA and American consumers.


Katerina Mastovska

Mastovska Named AOAC Deputy Executive Director and Chief Science Officer

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Katerina Mastovska

Dr. Katerina (Kate) Mastovska is the new Deputy Executive Director and Chief Science Officer of AOAC International. AOAC International is a globally recognized, 501(c)(3), independent, third party, not-for-profit association and developer of voluntary microbiological and chemical consensus standards.

Dr. Mastovska has been an active member of AOAC International since 2004 and received the association’s highest scientific honor, the Harvey W. Wiley Award, in 2021. She has extensive experience in research chemistry, which includes working for the University of Chemistry & Technology in Prague, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and founding her own independent consulting business, Excellcon International. Dr. Mastovska most recently served as Chief Scientific Officer, Eurofins U.S. Food Division.

“Kate has been an instrumental and involved member of AOAC for almost 20 years, and we’re so thrilled to have her officially join our team,” said Executive Director David B. Schmidt. “She will lead all science programs and projects at AOAC International and has excelled with the three main stakeholder sectors for AOAC: government, industry, and academia.”

“I’m delighted to join the AOAC staff and lead the team of dedicated scientists. AOAC has a critical role in food safety, and I’m inspired to continue to be a part of this important work,” said Dr. Mastovska.

The association has also promoted two current staff members, each with almost 20 years of experience at AOAC:

Dawn L. Frazier has been promoted to Deputy Executive Director, Engagement. Previously she served as Senior Director of Membership, Marketing, and Communications. Her responsibilities include leading and implementing the organization’s engagement strategy, which includes developing and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders and partners, as well as overseeing outreach and communication efforts. The position serves as the membership, communications, publications, and meetings lead to achieve the strategic plan for AOAC. In her time at AOAC, she has provided guidance to the sections, overall membership, meetings, and education, as well as marketing and communications.

Deborah McKenzie has been promoted to the new role of Deputy Assistant Executive Director & Chief Standards Officer. McKenzie was Senior Director, Standards and Official Methods of Analysis. Her responsibilities include overseeing implementation and execution of voluntary consensus standards processes and the Official Methods of Analysis database. She and her team will coordinate and administer associated activities with standards development and method approval programs.



USDA FSIS Publishes 2023-2026 Strategic Plan


The USDA Food Safety and Inspection Services (FSIS) has released its 2023-2026 Strategic Plan, the foundation document for both the long range and day-to-day operations of the agency. The agency announced that the updated plan continues to emphasize the importance of science and data to implement advanced and innovative approaches to food safety.

The plan includes three strategic goals:

Goal 1: “Prevent Foodborne Illness and Protect Public Health,” which focuses directly on FSIS’ public health mission and its activities.

Goal 2: “Transform Inspection Strategies, Policies, and Scientific Approaches to Improve Public Health,” which focuses on improving how the agency conducts food safety activities.

Goal 3: “Achieve Operational Excellence,” which focuses on maintaining and improving the strong internal foundation needed to meet goals 1 and 2.

As part of the primary goal, “Prevent Foodborne Illness and Protect Public Health,” the FSIS specifically plans to:

  • Advance a proposed regulatory framework for its new strategy to reduce Salmonella infections attributable to poultry. FSIS is considering: (1) requiring that incoming flocks be tested for Salmonella before entering an establishment; (2) enhanced establishment process control monitoring and FSIS verification; and (3) an enforceable final product standard. This proposed strategy is aimed at moving the Agency closer to achieving the national target of a 25% reduction in Salmonella illnesses set by Healthy People 2030 and is expected to be in place by May 2024.
  • Strengthen compliance with food safety statutes and regulations by:
    • Regularly assessing domestic food safety systems to determine how well they are maintaining process control as well as leveraging data from the Public Health Information System (PHIS) to identify patterns and trends in noncompliance with FSIS regulations among establishments.
    • Conducting outreach, technical assistance, and information sharing with other countries to improve understanding of FSIS’ regulatory requirements and policies. This is to ensure food safety standards for imported products are equivalent to those of domestic products to reduce foodborne infections attributable to FSIS-regulated products, specifically for Salmonella illnesses attributable to poultry.
  • Improve food safety at in-commerce facilities by using a risk-based approach to target FSIS resources—including resources used for surveillance, investigative, and enforcement activities.
  • Enhance response to outbreaks by improving information sharing and collaboration with public health partners during investigations to remove contaminated product more quickly from commerce.
  • Sustain progress in food defense by assuring that establishments adopt and incorporate food defense practices into their day-to-day operations, and that agency personnel and industry are prepared to respond to an act of intentional contamination.
  • Increase public awareness of recalls, public health alerts, foodborne illness outbreaks, and consumer adoption of safe food handling practices, by identifying the best approaches to influence behavior and deploying proactive strategies based on behavioral science research.
FDA Logo

FDA Issues Final Guidance for Foreign Supplier Verification Programs

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FDA Logo

The FDA has issued its final guidance for the Foreign Supplier Verification Programs (FSVP) for Importers of Food for Humans and Animals. FSVP, which is part of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, makes importers accountable for verifying that foreign suppliers are producing food in a manner that meets U.S. safety standards.

This guidance includes recommendations on the requirements to analyze the hazards in food; evaluate a potential foreign supplier’s performance and the risk posed by the food; and determine and conduct appropriate foreign supplier verification activities.

The guidance also addresses how importers can meet modified FSVP requirements in a variety of categories, such as requirements for importers of dietary supplements or very small importers.

In response to comments received to the 2018 draft guidance, changes were made to the final guidance, including providing additional clarification regarding to what food the FSVP regulation applies; what information must be included in the FSVP; and who must develop and perform FSVP activities.

“Food” covered under FSVP includes:

  • Articles used for food or drink for humans or other animals,
  • Chewing gum, and
  • Articles used for components of any such article.

Training materials, developed in collaboration with the Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA), are available to help facilitate FSVP compliance by importers.

Download the final guidance here.

Jose Emilio Esteban, Ph.D.

José Emilio Esteban, Ph.D. Sworn in as USDA Under Secretary for Food Safety

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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Jose Emilio Esteban, Ph.D.

On January 4, José Emilio Esteban, Ph.D. was sworn in as the new Under Secretary for Food Safety at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Dr. Esteban joined the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service in 2001 and was appointed Chief Scientist of the FSIS in August 2018.

“Dr. Esteban has a long and well-documented commitment to food safety and public health. With over two decades of experience at USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, he has been on the front lines of protecting the public from foodborne illness for much of his career,” said USDA Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. “I am confident that Dr. Esteban’s leadership and experience is the right combination to advance our commitment to maintaining public health and reducing foodborne illness. I look forward to working with him as USDA continues to address foodborne challenges head-on with innovative solutions and proactive measures.”

Prior to joining the USDA, Dr. Esteban worked at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and served as chair of the Codex Alimentarius Commission Committee on Food Hygiene.

“Serving as the next Under Secretary of Food Safety is an opportunity to give back to a nation that has given me so much,” said Dr. Esteban.


Merieux Nutrisciences logo

Mérieux NutriSciences Acquires Food Technology Consulting

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Merieux Nutrisciences logo

Mérieux NutriSciences has acquired Food Technology Consulting International, a Canadian Food Safety consulting, training, and auditing solutions provider. Mérieux NutriSciences offers analytical and product development solutions to prevent health risks related to the food, beverage, and nutraceutical industry. The company operates more than 100 labs and has a presence in 27 countries.

Food Technology Consulting and its team of consultants, trainers and auditors have been helping companies in the development, implementation, and maintenance of effective food safety programming for more than 20 years.

“We are enthusiastic about having the talented team at Food Technology Consulting join us and welcome them to our network,” said Sébastien Moulard, President of Mérieux NutriSciences, North America. “This acquisition supports our position as a major player in the consulting market and strengthens our presence in Canada.”

2022 FDA Food Code

FDA Issues 2022 Food Code

2022 FDA Food Code

The FDA has issued the 2022 edition of the FDA Food Code, which contains some significant changes, including:

  • Adding sesame as a major food allergen to reflect that the Food Allergy Safety, Treatment, Education, and Research Act of 2021 established sesame as the 9th major food allergen
  • Informing consumers, in writing, of major food allergens as ingredients in unpackaged food
  • Adding labeling of major food allergens in bulk food that is available for consumer self-dispensing
  • Creating new requirements for the allowance of pet dogs in outdoor dining spaces
  • Revising the definition of intact meat, including enhancements to clarify time/temperature cooking requirements

For the first time, the FDA Food Code specifically addresses food donations, included as part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health. The National Strategy, which was rolled out in September at the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, provides a roadmap of actions the federal government is taking to end hunger and reduce diet-related diseases by 2030.

The FDA noted that the 2022 edition reflects the input of regulatory officials, industry, academia, and consumers that participated in the 2020 biennial meeting of the Conference for Food Protection (CFP).

The Food Code is offered for adoption by local, state, and federal governmental jurisdictions for administration by the various departments, agencies, bureaus, divisions, and other units within each jurisdiction that have been delegated compliance responsibilities for food service, retail food stores, or food vending operations. Alternatives that offer an equivalent level of public health protection to ensure that food at retail and food service is safe are recognized in the Food Code.

View a full list of the Summary of Changes.


Candy factory employee

Challenges and Best Practices in Developing a Strong Food Safety Culture

Candy factory employee

On December 12, The FDA released a systematic review of the scientific literature on food safety culture (FSC), which identified barriers, as well as best practices, for organizations seeking to develop a stronger culture of food safety. The FDA noted that it will use this research to inform its continued efforts in support of food safety culture.

While food safety culture is defined in various ways in the literature, the review identified the most frequently cited definition of FSC as “the aggregation of the prevailing, relatively constant, learned, shared attitudes, values and beliefs contributing to the hygiene behaviors used within a particular food handling environment.” (Griffith, Livesey, and Clayton 2010).

Best practices for promoting FSC include:

  • Promoting FSC as a topmost goal of each member of the organization, not just a goal of a specific group within an organization.
  • Branding your commitment to FSC and promoting it everywhere. This includes displaying food safety messaging in break rooms, hallways, elevators, parking lots, or anywhere employees congregate so employees don’t forget it. In his book Food Safety Culture: Creating a Behavior-Based Food Safety Management System, Frank Yiannas, FDA Deputy Commissioner for Food Policy and Response wrote that, “Messaging should be simple, communicate what the desired behavior is, be placed where the desired behavior should occur, and changed often enough to prevent desensitizing.”
  • Building your food safety messages on the concept of “we,” and clearly defining how employees’ job objectives align with food safety.
  • Promoting FSC not only within your organization, but also within your entire supply chain.

Challenges and barriers to a strong and effective FSC include:

Over-reliance on Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS). Because FSMSs do not address the human impact on food safety, they do not guarantee a good FSC. A combination of a well-elaborated FSMS and a favorable food safety climate is ideal.

Prioritization of Cost-saving and Money-earning. A commitment to food safety must take precedence over other objectives and cultures that compete for priority within an organization, including the culture of saving money.

Frequent Staff Turnover. Continuous turnover can be detrimental to key determinants of FSC, such as risk awareness and accountability.

Optimistic Bias. Reviewed studies found that some organizations or employees have an “illusion of invulnerability,” which may hinder effective implementation of food safety behaviors. Without perceiving a susceptibility to food contamination, people often resist a focus on it unless they can see the value.

Download the Food Safety Culture Systematic Literature Review.