chicken, beef, dairy, lettuce

Foodborne Illness Report Highlights High-Risk Food Categories

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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chicken, beef, dairy, lettuce

This month, the Interagency Food Safety Analytics Collaboration’s (IFSAC) released it newest annual report , “Foodborne illness source attribution estimates for 2020 for SalmonellaEscherichia coli O157, and Listeria monocytogenes using multi-year outbreak surveillance data, United States.” IFSAC is a collaboration between the CDC, FDA and USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS).

The report was developed to help shape the priorities of the FDA, inform the creation of targeted interventions to reduce foodborne illnesses caused by these pathogens, inform stakeholders and improve regulatory agency’s to assess whether prevention measures are working.

The report identified 3,749 outbreaks that occurred from 1998 through 2020 and were confirmed or suspected to be caused by Salmonella, E. coli O157, or Listeria, including 192 outbreaks that were confirmed or suspected to be caused by multiple pathogens or serotypes.

The IFSAC excluded 96 of these outbreaks according to its pathogen-exclusion criteria, leaving 3,653 outbreaks. The agency further excluded 1,524 outbreaks without a confirmed or suspected implicated food, 836 outbreaks for which the food vehicle could not be assigned to one of the 17 food categories, and six that occurred in a U.S. territory.

The resulting dataset for the report included 1,287 outbreaks in which the confirmed or suspected implicated food or foods could be assigned to a single food category. These included 960 caused or suspected to be caused by Salmonella, 272 by E. coli O157 and 55 by Listeria. Outbreaks from 2016 through 2020 provide 71% of model-estimated illnesses used to calculate attribution for Salmonella, 67% for E. coli O157 and 62% for Listeria.

Salmonella illnesses came from a wide variety of foods, with more than 75% of illnesses attributed to seven food categories: Chicken, Fruits, Pork, Seeded Vegetables (such as tomatoes), Other Produce (such as fungi, herbs, nuts, and root vegetables), Beef and Turkey.

More than 80% of E. coli O157 illnesses were linked to Vegetable Row Crops (such as leafy greens) and Beef.

More than 75% of Listeria monocytogenes illnesses were linked to Dairy products, Fruits and Vegetable Row Crops, though the IFSAC noted that “the rarity of Listeria monocytogenes outbreaks makes these estimates less reliable than those for other pathogens.”

Attribution estimates for Campylobacter outbreaks were not included in this year’s report, though they have been included in the past. IFSAC said that this was “due to continued concerns about the limitations of using outbreak data to attribute Campylobacter illnesses to sources … these concerns are largely due to the outsized influence of outbreaks in certain foods that pose a high individual risk for Campylobacter infection but do not represent the risk to the general population.” For example, 91% of reported Campylobacter outbreaks related to dairy products were associated with unpasteurized milk, while 57% majority of chicken-related outbreaks were due to chicken liver products, which are not widely consumed.


FDA Commits $41M to Support the Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition


The University of Maryland has announced a five-year, $41 million cooperative agreement with the FDA to expand the University’s Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN).

Established in 1996, JIFSAN is an FDA Center of Excellence combining the expertise of the federal agency with UMD researchers. It promotes research, education and outreach in food safety, security and applied nutrition and has developed partnerships across industry, government and other stakeholders in support of the 2011 Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).

“This enduring partnership and funding will allow us to continue our collaborative research efforts between UMD and the FDA,” said Jianghong Meng, professor of nutrition and food science and JIFSAN director. “We are in a new era of food safety where better protections and preventative measures are more important than ever. The last few years have shown that as a community we must all work together to eradicate illness and disease.”

The new award will be used to grow several programs, including a congressional mandate on imported aquacultured shrimp, which supports the FDA in regulating the sourcing and importing of shrimp to the United States.

JIFSAN will continue to provide graduate and undergraduate internship opportunities to UMD students who work with and are mentored by FDA scientists. In its first quarter century, the institute has provided more than 300 undergraduate internships, graduate assistantships and postdoctoral research appointments that have contributed to a variety of food safety initiatives and programs.

The institute will also conduct multi-institutional, multidisciplinary research projects and develop mechanisms for the exchange of technical information and scientific concepts. Additionally, it will continue to advance the development of educational and outreach programs designed to enhance the FDA’s efforts with other nations to improve U.S. and global health.

The funding will also help support JIFSAN as it prepares to move its offices to a new location at 5825 University Research Court in UMD’s Discovery District. The new facility includes a microbiology laboratory for research and training in whole genome sequencing as well as other advanced technologies for detecting and tracing the source of foodborne pathogens.


USDA FSIS Seeks Input on Exploratory and Special Program Poultry Sampling


The USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced that it is preparing to publish the next establishment-specific dataset on exploratory and special program poultry sampling in January 2023.

Prior to publishing the dataset, FSIS is seeking comments on a sample dataset and data documentation. Comments can be submitted until December 22, 2022. The sample dataset and corresponding data documentation include sampling results of FSIS’ non-regulatory poultry microbiological sampling projects, including poultry establishments with a very low volume of production (≤ 1,000 lbs/day), religious-exempt chicken carcasses, comminuted or mechanically separated poultry and chicken quarter or half-carcasses and chicken parts. This dataset also includes data associated with special programs, such as a response to an outbreak or testing a new sampling methodology.

Establishment-specific datasets were first released in 2016 as announced in the July 14, 2016, Federal Register

Six weeks before the first publication, FSIS will share the data via email with establishments. After the first publication, product type information from the Exploratory Sampling for Chicken Parts – Quarter and Half Carcasses project will continue to be emailed to applicable establishments six weeks before each publication. Except for results from the Exploratory Sampling for Chicken Parts – Quarter and Half Carcasses project, establishments can access their data using the “Industry Sampling Results for Primary Establishment Number Detailed” report within the Public Health Information System (PHIS).

To remain consistent with the other establishment-specific datasets, the first datasets will be posted with an archive and current file. The archive file will contain data through fiscal year (FY) 2021; the current file will contain FY2022 data. Both the archive and current files are planned to publish on January 27, 2023. Subsequent postings will follow the regular posting schedule for establishment-specific datasets. New datasets are released the first Friday of the next quarter with a quarter lag, meaning data for FY2023 Q1 (December 2022) are scheduled to be released on April 7, 2023, data for FY2023 Q2 (March 2023) are scheduled to be released July 7, 2023, and so forth. Existing datasets will be updated quarterly.

To comment on sample dataset and data documentation, visit and use Docket FSIS-2014-0032.


FoodChain ID Acquires Lexagri

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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FoodChain ID, a provider of technology-enabled food safety quality and sustainability solutions, has acquired Lexagri International, a company that focuses on verifying, harmonizing, structuring and distributing global agricultural data.

“Lexagri’s services are focused on data enhancement, and their data harmonization processes transform raw, untreated agricultural data into standardized, validated and accessible data sets,” said Brad Riemenapp, CEO of FoodChain ID. “This expands FoodChain ID’s scope of regulatory and compliance content into crop protection and brand registration data, allowing us to serve our food customers even more effectively and to strengthen our reputation as a trusted source of data-driven, actionable insights from farm to fork.”

Lexagri’s Homologa is the largest pesticide database in the market with over 33 million entries including Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) data, logistics data and Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs). The company’s PhytoScan mobile app offers an integrated label scanner for on-farm use that provides immediate access to up-to-date product regulatory and safety information to enhance compliance at the farm level.

Other products include Basagri and Phytodata, which are reference data sources for crop protection information in France that compare and contrast registered and certified data, and Agrowin, a service package for top tier chemical companies allowing them to analyze crop protection and seed market data providing access to harmonized and consolidated global agricultural market data.

“Lexagri’s aim has always been, and continues to be, to become the global harmonized reference provider of regulatory crop protection data for the industry, digital farming and the food chain,” said Fritz Schuster, CEO of Lexagri. “The upcoming integration of Lexagri with FoodChain ID will be another step in this direction. We will be able to enhance the link between ‘farm and fork’ through an easier data flow and more transparency.”


FDA logo

FDA Submits Final FSMA Rule for Food Traceability

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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FDA logo

On November 7, the FDA sent the FSMA Final Rule: Requirements for Additional Traceability Records for Certain Foods to the Office of the Federal Register (OFR).

The final rule includes a requirement for those who manufacture, process, pack or hold foods on the Food Traceability List (FTL) to establish and maintain records containing Key Data Elements (KDEs) associated with different Critical Tracking Events (CTEs). The FDA notes that while the proposed requirements only apply to those foods on the FTL, “they were designed to be suitable for all FDA-regulated food products. FDA would encourage the voluntary adoption of these practices industrywide.”

The final rule will become effective 60 days after it is published in the Federal Register, which the FDA anticipated would happen within one to two weeks. The compliance date for all persons subject to the recordkeeping requirements is two years after the effective date.



FDA Poised To Increase Color Certification Fees

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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On November 1, the FDA issued a proposed rule to amend the color additive regulations with a 10 cent per pound increase in color certification fees. If the rule is finalized, this would be the first increase since 2005 when the current schedule became effective.

In its announcement of the proposed rule, the FDA said the increase in fees is necessary to cover increased operating costs “in order to ensure the color certification program continues operating at the high level of quality and efficiency that industry expects.”

Under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act, certain color additives must be certified by the FDA for use in food, drugs, cosmetics and medical devices. The FDA analyzes samples from each batch of color additive received from a manufacturer to verify that it meets composition and purity specifications. Manufacturers pay fees, based on the weight of each batch, and these fees support the FDA’s color certification program.

Stakeholders can submit electronic comments on the proposed rule at or send written comments to the Dockets Management Staff (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. All comments should be identified with the docket number FDA-2022-N-1635.



Undeclared Allergens Drive Recent Recalls

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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Leading up to Halloween, sweets, including cookies, gelato and dipping caramel, were among the foods recalled due to undeclared allergens.

On October 27, Daiso California issued an allergy alert for its Tiramisu Twist Cookies due to undeclared almonds and hazelnuts, and Whole Foods Market recalled Dipping Caramel from five stores in Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska because the product may contain wheat, which is not declared on the product label.

Daiso’s Tiramisu Twist Cookies were sold in Daiso stores in California, Washington, Nevada, Texas, New York and New Jersey. The cookies are packaged in a gold bag with a large image of two cookies on the package and are sold in 3.4oz (96g) packages. According to the FDA alert, there has been one reported case of allergic reaction to this product.

The affected products in the Whole Foods recall was sold at the following Whole Foods Market stores:

  • 10020 Regency Circle, Regency-Omaha, NE
  • 340 Reed Street, Basalt, CO
  • 1250 South Hover Road, Suite 300, Longmont, CO
  • 14615 W. 119th Street, Olathe, KS
  • 9366 S. Colorado Blvd Ste B, Highlands Ranch, CO

The products, “Dipping Caramel by the Pound,” were available in the bakery department with a product code of 34888, sell by dates of October 25 – November 15, 2022, and were available for purchase from October 4 – October 25, 2022. The mislabeling issue was discovered by a store employee.

One day prior, on October 26, Zingerman’s Creamery of Ann Arbor, Michigan, recalled 173 pints of Paw Paw Gelato, 50 quarts of Paw Paw Gelato, 58 pints of Harvest Pumpkin Gelato and 10 quarts of its Harvest Pumpkin Gelato because they may contain undeclared egg allergen.

Per the recall notice, Paw Paw and Harvest Pumpkin Gelato was distributed in Ann Arbor and Chelsea, Michigan through Zingerman’s Creamery, Zingerman’s Deli,, Argus Farm Stop (Packard) and Agricole Farm Stop.

The lots that are recalled are: Paw Paw (220916, 220928, 221005, 221012, 221018) Harvest Pumpkin (220909, 220919, 220928). No illnesses have been reported to date.


National Advisory Committee Announces Public Meeting to Discuss Actions on Cronobacter, Cyclospora and Salmonella


The National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF) will hold a virtual public meeting on November 15 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm ET to discuss work being advanced by the FDA on Cronobacter spp. in powdered infant formula. The Committee will also discuss updates under the Cyclospora cayetanensis subcommittee and vote on adopting the report: “Enhancing Salmonella Control in Poultry Products.”

NACMCF is an advisory committee, established by the USDA, that provides impartial, scientific advice and/or peer reviews to federal food safety agencies for use in the development of an integrated national food safety systems approach.

The meeting is intended to help the committee gain scientific insight regarding Cronobacter infections, including recommendations for how public health authorities can better protect public health, as well as recommendations for food safety management practices that the food industry can implement to enhance the safety of powdered infant formula.

The meeting will be held virtually using Zoom. Attendees must pre-register to receive a join link, dial-in number, access code and unique Attendee ID. Attendees who would like to deliver comments during the meeting must register by November 8, 2022. Attendees who do not plan to speak at the public meeting may register at any time up to the day of the meeting. The meeting agenda is available on the FSIS events page.


Koshal Ram and Ranjeet Klair

Acheson Group Expands into India

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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Koshal Ram and Ranjeet Klair

The Acheson Group (TAG), a global food safety and public health consulting team led by David Acheson, MD, former FDA Associate Commissioner for Foods, has expanded its operations to India.

As part of the expansion, TAG brought on two new team members. Food Safety Specialist Koshal Ram has nearly three decades of experience working in low-acid agri-food manufacturing and has held technical and global leadership roles managing supply chain food safety and product quality with multiple companies. Ram has a diploma in Quality Assurance and ISO from the University of Chennai, India. He speaks four languages (English, Hindi, Tamil and Kannada) and is a Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) and an FSVP Qualified Individual. He is trained in Food Safety and Standards Act 2006, ISO 2000 requirements, QAS validation and verification of HACCP Plans and QAS development and implementation of HACCP Plans, Acidified Food Manufacturing School (21CFR section 108.25(f) and 114.10) and FDA Acidified Foods.

Ranjeet Klair will work in conjunction with Ram at TAG India as Director of Food Safety. She brings more than two decades of industry experience working with Canadian, U.S. and global food retailers, production plants and certification bodies in food safety, quality assurance and regulatory compliance. Klair holds a Master of Science degree in Food Sciences, Master of Global Food Law (Jurisprudence) degree and a Bachelor of Applied Science and certification in International Food Laws and Regulations. Along with completing a certification program for International Food Laws and Regulations, she is a BRC, FSSC22000, HACCP, PCQI, FSVP trainer and BRC, SQF, FSSC, ISO 22000, Gluten-free, GMP and Canada GAP lead auditor.

As a key component of service to India, TAG will provide expertise and resources to assist exporters in food safety efforts and domestic and foreign standards and regulatory compliance.

“With TAG’s 10-year anniversary quickly approaching, we are excited to bring on valuable new TAG Team members who can help further expand our business to different areas of the world,” said Dr. Acheson, TAG CEO and President. “Ranjeet’s and Koshal’s expertise and ability to work onsite with clientele throughout India enables us to bring TAG support to India.”

Raw chicken breast

USDA Charts Regulatory Path To Reduce Poultry-Linked Salmonella Infections

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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Raw chicken breast

The USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has released a proposed regulatory framework to control Salmonella contamination in poultry products.

In its announcement, the USDA noted that the proposed framework follows months of information-gathering and discussions with a wide range of stakeholders, researchers and scientists. It consists of three key components:

  • Requiring that incoming flocks be tested for Salmonella before entering an establishment
  • Enhancing establishment process control monitoring and FSIS verification
  • Implementing an enforceable final product standard.

“We know that Salmonella in poultry is a complex problem with no single solution,” said USDA Deputy Under Secretary Sandra Eskin. “However, we have identified a series of strategic actions FSIS could take that are likely to drive down Salmonella infections linked to poultry products consumption, and we are presenting those in this proposed framework.”

A copy of the proposed framework, which also addresses cross-cutting issues of testing for Salmonella, the impact on small and very small establishments and data sharing, is available online here.

Representatives from industry, consumer groups and other stakeholders are invited to provide input on the proposed regulatory framework by participating in a virtual public meeting November 3 from 10am to 4pm ET via Zoom. To view the agenda and to register to attend, visit the Meetings and Events page on the FSIS website.

Stakeholders can also submit written comments at

Consumer groups are applauding the proposed framework. “This is a historic first step toward final product standards that are science-based, risk-based, enforceable, and effective at protecting our vulnerable loved ones,” said Amanda Craten, board member of STOP Foodborne Illness. “As a parent of a child who suffered from Salmonella illness and is left with permanent injury, I have advocated and engaged in the process to modernize poultry standards to ensure no child has to experience the devastation of a preventable, virulent Salmonella illness. I’m thankful that USDA is making the prevention of illnesses like my son Noah’s a priority.”

Dr. Craig Hedberg, a professor at University of Minnesota School of Public Health and Co-Director of the Minnesota Integrated Food Safety Center of Excellence, agrees that this framework “is an important step towards moving away from hazard-based regulation toward risk-based regulation. Focusing on levels of Salmonella and highly virulent strains of Salmonella rather than just the presence or absence of Salmonella should reduce the number of illnesses associated with poultry.”

The USDA FSIS continues to gather scientific evidence relevant to the approaches presented in the proposed framework.