Tag Archives: FDA

Stephen Ostroff, FDA

Pathogens, Partnerships and FSMA: Where FDA Is Headed

By Maria Fontanazza
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Stephen Ostroff, FDA

This year is a big year for food safety at FDA. All seven of the FSMA rules have been finalized, and the first compliance date is right around the corner (compliance with the Preventive Controls for Human Food rule starts in September for large companies). Stephen Ostroff, M.D., just took the helm from Michael Taylor as the agency’s deputy commissioner for foods and veterinary medicine. And finally, FDA is taking a hard line in both improving the tools and methods used to detect outbreaks as well as working with the Department of Justice to prioritize enforcement actions against companies that introduce adulterated foods into the supply chain.

Yesterday Ostroff provided an update on FDA’s recent initiatives and its plan of action to achieve success in FSMA implementation and pathogen detection at the IAFP annual meeting in St. Louis. Ostroff highlighted several tenets of FSMA:

  • Keys to FSMA success will be dependent upon achieving high rates of compliance
  • Domestic and import parity
  • Education before and while regulating (establishment of training and education networks)
  • Taking a risk-based approach to inspection and planning
  • Partnerships are critical
Stephen Ostroff, FDA
FDA’s Stephen Ostroff will be the opening keynote at the 2016 Food Safety Consortium, December 7 in Schaumburg, IL. LEARN MORE

Industry can expect three more rulemakings as required by FSMA in the areas of lab accreditation, a reportable food registry and product tracing. In addition, FDA is working on guidances related to the preventive controls, produce, and foreign supplier verification program rules. “We’re tantalizingly close so stay tuned,” Ostroff said.

Expect to see more program alignment with the Office of Regulatory Affairs as well. The inspection and compliance staff will be trained as specialists and there will be horizontal integration of programs between field activity and agency headquarters. Although the next fiscal year will be a transition year, Ostroff is hopeful that changes that need to be made at the agency, along with program alignment, will be in place by fiscal year 2018.

Other notable actions at FDA over the past year include:

  • In response to the OIG’s conclusion that FDA’s food recall program is not efficient or effective, the agency is ramping up its use of the strategic CORE (Coordinated Outbreak Response and Evaluation) network in order to examine recalls that might not be moving as smoothly or quickly as the agency prefers. FDA is also leveraging greater application of whole genome sequencing (WGS).
  • GenomeTrakr network and WGS. More than 50,000 genome sequences have been added to the database (largely Salmonella). Ostroff called WGS a game changer that holds the opportunity to more quickly identify problems and detect outbreaks while they’re still quite small. In partnership with the CDC, FDA set up a successful module for WGS of Listeria and the agency hopes to expand the model for use with other pathogens.
  • Nutrition (Not just what consumers are eating, but how much of it): The move that declared partially hydrogenated oils as no longer GRAS with compliance required by 2018.  The agency also issued a final guidance on menu and vending labeling in May, issued levels for arsenic in infant rice cereal, made determination for folic acid fortification in corn/masa, made revisions to nutrition facts labels that takes effect in 2018, issued a draft guidance on voluntary sodium reduction, and will continue to exam the terms “natural” and “healthy”.
  • Genetic engineering. FDA approval of GE salmon following one of the longest reviews in the history of FDA (20-year review), along with issuing voluntary labeling guidance.
  • Monitoring antimicrobial resistance through NARMS  (National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System). FDA will be collecting antimicrobial sales by species and, in cooperation with USDA, hopes to release farm-based data about antimicrobial use at the farm level.

Ostroff emphasized FDA’s strategic 10-year plan, released this year, pointing to public health as a first priority, maintaining partnerships as a key to success (including re-establishing overseas offices), continuing research as a foundation, and maintaining transparently.

Randy Fields, Repositrak
FST Soapbox

Sanitary Transportation Rule: Ignore at Your Own Peril

By Randy Fields
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Randy Fields, Repositrak

FDA posted the FSMA rule on the Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food in April. The majority of retailers, wholesalers, suppliers and carriers will have one year to comply with this new rule. The sanitary transportation rule sets out to prevent practices that would introduce contamination risk during the transportation of food through the supply chain.

For retailers, wholesalers, suppliers and carriers, the final rule is really the sleeper regulation among the new FSMA laws. You probably have your HAACP plans and preventative control procedures in place, but do you have the necessary documents in place with your carriers to meet the FDA’s requirements?  And, are those documents easily accessible?

Under FSMA, you must address all FDA record inquiries within 24 hours, and these inquiries can go back two years, plus 12 months beyond the expiration of related service agreements. Failure to respond to an FDA records inquiry is considered a “prohibited act” and can land you in hot water with both the FDA and Department of Justice, which acknowledged they will enforce FSMA through civil and criminal penalties. That’s a game changer.

You are now required to ensure that transportation equipment does not cause the food it is carrying to become unsafe. You must also maintain adequate temperatures throughout your portion of the supply chain and prevent cross contamination. And, you must train your personnel in sanitary practices. All of these factors—processes and procedures, agreements and formal training of personnel—must be documented and made available to the FDA. Put simply, compliance with FSMA is proven through documentation because according to the FDA, if it is not documented, it did not happen!

So what’s the best way to comply with the new rules? Having the information on paper in filing cabinets simply won’t do. Can you imagine searching for specific confirmation that an employee received the proper training in a bank of file cabinets? Even with an efficient system, that could be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Collecting the information in spreadsheets is only slightly better, as it simply digitizes the disorganization.

Retailers, wholesalers, suppliers and carriers need to start their compliance process by reviewing and understanding all of the FSMA rules, guidance procedures and responsibilities. You ignore them at your own peril.

Then, consider automating your recording keeping system.  It is really the only way to efficiently collect and manage the documentation needed to comply with the new law.  When reviewing technology options, make sure you choose a system that is not only easy to use by frontline workers, but also provides sophisticated reporting and alerts to point out potential problems in real time. And, if possible, the solution should do more than just report on food safety activities. As long as you’re investing in a technology to meet FSMA requirements, you might as well implement a system that can potentially save money in other areas such as managing business or training documentation, new vendor approvals, or carrier optimization.

The bottom line is that the sanitary transportation rule will require that you devote additional resources to make the entire extended grocery channel more risk free for consumers and companies alike. And the best way to do that is to implement new technology that gives visibility to product transfers from point of production or processing to the point of purchase, and documents each step along the way.


More E. Coli Illnesses, General Mills Expands Flour Recall

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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Consumers should check their pantry. As a result of newly reported illnesses connected to raw dough or batter consumption, General Mills has expanded its recall of Gold Medal flour, Wondra flour and Signature Kitchens flour to include products made last fall. The FDA and CDC have warned consumers against eating any raw products made with flour.

According to the CDC, the multi-state outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing E. Coli O121 has sickened at least 42 consumers (with 11 hospitalizations) across 21 states. No deaths have been reported. The bacteria was isolated from samples of General Mills flour that was collected from the homes of those sickened in Arizona, Colorado and Oklahoma.

General Mills has already conducted a voluntary recall of 10 million pounds of flour (unbleached, all purpose and self rising). A full list of the products included in the recall are available on FDA’s website.

OIG Says FDA Recall Initiation Process Not Efficient or Effective

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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As a result of an ongoing audit of FDA’s food recall program, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) has concluded that FDA does not have the policies and procedures in place to ensure that voluntary food recalls are initiated in a prompt manner.

“This issue is a significant matter and requires FDA’s immediate attention,” the letter stated. “We suggest that FDA update its policies and procedures to instruct its recall staff to establish set timeframes for (1) FDA to request that firms voluntarily recall their products and (2) firms to initiate voluntary food recalls.”

The audit follows a report from June 2011 that reviewed FDA’s monitoring of imported food recalls. That particular report also found the agency’s food recall program to be inadequate due to the fact that FDA did not have the authority to require companies to recall certain foods. FSMA has changed this aspect of recall authority.

The OIG’s letter, addressed to FDA Commissioner Robert Califf, M.D., specifically calls out two recall cases:

  • A nut butter recall due to Salmonella in which 14 people became ill. According to the OIG, 165 days passed from the time FDA identified the adulterated product to the time the company initiated a recall.
  • Several recalls of cheese products due to Listeria monocytogenes in which 9 people became ill and one infant died. In this situation, 81 days passed from the time FDA was aware of adulterated product to the time the company recalled the products.

The OIG issued the letter to Califf as an early alert. The audit of FDA’s food recall process is continuing and the OIG will be issuing a draft report at the conclusion of the audit.

Stephen Ostroff, FDA

FDA’s Stephen Ostroff Sounds Off on FSMA: Miles to Go

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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Stephen Ostroff, FDA

With less than a week under his belt as the new Deputy Commissioner for Foods and Veterinary Medicine, Stephen Ostroff, M.D., has made one of his first official statements about food safety. Calling the FSMA final rules a paradigm shift in prevention versus response, he emphasized the importance of the implementation stage on FDA Voice, the agency’s blog.

“The people of FDA, under the leadership of Michael R. Taylor, worked tirelessly to find the right intersection between science and policy; to develop innovative and practical solutions to complex challenges; and, to engage in open and meaningful discussions with the many communities within the diverse food supply system,” said Ostroff in the blog.

Although industry has “miles to go” during implementation, Ostroff emphasized the behind-the-scenes work that made FSMA happen—thanking specific members of Congress, consumer activists such as STOP Foodborne Illness, public policy organizations, national associations such as the Grocery Manufacturers Association, government organizations and global regulatory counterparts.

Guess What? Canada’s Food Safety System Comparable to United States

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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Yesterday the FDA, Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and the Department of Health Canada signed an agreement that recognizes their food safety systems as comparable. Signed at an FDA-CFIA Health Canada Joint Committee on Food Safety meeting, the agreement will allow the agencies to leverage their regulatory systems and partner on various activities such as oversight when prioritizing inspections, scientific collaboration, and outbreak response.

“This arrangement is part of the US-Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council in which the countries intend to better align their food safety regulatory systems, reduce unnecessary duplication, enhance information sharing, and to the extent possible, leverage resources so that the agencies can better meet their public health objectives,” said Michael Taylor, deputy commissioner for foods and veterinary medicine at FDA in a statement.

According to an FDA release: “Systems recognition involves reviewing a foreign country’s domestic food safety regulatory system to determine if it has legal authorities and regulatory tools that together provide public health outcomes comparable to those provided by the FDA. Domestic systems provide the baseline level of public health protection that helps assure the safety of exported foods from that country. Systems recognition will help the FDA be more risk-based in planning the scope and frequency of its inspection activities, including foreign facility inspections, import field exams, and import sampling.”

The agencies used the International Comparability Assessment Tool to conduct a systems recognition review and assessment involving elements of Canada’s national food safety control system. This included examining laws and regulations, inspection programs, response to outbreaks, and other compliance, enforcement and lab support activities.

Text of the agreement between the agencies is available on FDA’s website.

magnifying glass

How to Survive an FDA Foreign Facility Inspection

By Maria Fontanazza
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magnifying glass

Since 2002, the amount of FDA-regulated food imported to the United States has nearly doubled. With the implementation of FSMA well underway, expect that FDA will be increasing its inspections at foreign manufacturing facilities. When prioritizing inspections, FDA looks at a facility’s compliance history, the risk of the product manufactured in the plant, the date of its last inspection, and any import alerts associated with the site.

First and foremost, it’s important to make sure your foreign facility understands what a food safety plan under FSMA requires, said Chengboey Lau, principal scientist for North America scientific & regulatory affairs at Mondelēz International.  Today at the GMA Science Forum Lau pulled from the experience of Mondelez (the $30 billion-company has more than 165 manufacturing plants worldwide and requires all of its suppliers to be GFSI certified) to provide some helpful tips on how a company can get ready for an FDA inspection of a foreign facility, what it should do during the event, and the steps that should be taken afterwards.

Prepare for the Inspection

  • Develop an internal policy for foreign inspections
  • To ensure readiness at all times, implement a proactive program that involves the following activities
    • Annual review of registered facilities
    • Review of any products or materials made for U.S. markets (including R&D samples)
    • Gap assessments to ensure compliance with FDA requirements, followed by an action plan to close identified gaps
    • Employee training on FDA requirements
    • Create a site-specific FDA inspection manual for all necessary documentation

Survive the Inspection

  • Align expectations with the inspector at the start of the inspection
  • Have an employee who has strong English skills present to help with translation (the employee should have an understanding of American slang, too)
  • Consider having a U.S. regulatory support colleague available for questions during the inspection


  • Email the inspector or make a Freedom of Information Act request if you don’t receive an establishment inspection report after six months
  • If a form 483 letter is issued, respond in writing within 15 days, and follow up within 40 days to inform FDA of the completion of any corrective actions

At the end of the day, make sure you have a firm understanding of which final FSMA rules apply to your organization, advised Lau. From there companies should perform a gap analysis, identify the resources necessary and any constraints involved, train employees on the new FSMA expectations, and be prepared to implement new and/or modify current policies and procedures to ensure inspection readiness.

Department of Justice seal

Watch Out, DOJ and FDA Prioritizing Prosecution

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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Department of Justice seal

In remarks made at the Consumer Federation of America’s annual food policy conference this week, Benjamin C. Mizer, principal deputy assistant attorney general, stated that the federal government has made consumer safety a top priority. With this announcement comes an announced intention on the part of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to use “various enforcement tools that we have at our disposal,” and maintain a stronger partnership with FDA to go after companies that “introduce adulterated foods into interstate commerce”.

“In deciding whether to use our civil or our criminal enforcement tools, the Justice Department follows the same set of guidelines that apply to every criminal prosecution,” said Mizer. “Among other things, prosecutors evaluate the nature and seriousness of the offense, the deterrent effect of the prosecution and the culpability of the individuals or entities involved.” Criminal charges brought against a food company can be either misdemeanor or felony, and Mizer emphasized that misdemeanor violations can still result in “serious penalties”. He cited a case in which the owner and CEO of an egg production company in Iowa pled guilty to a misdemeanor and received three months in jail and one year supervised release, and was slapped with a $100,000 fine.

“In some cases, the facts are so egregious that it is appropriate for the Justice Department to bring the full force of the law to bear,” stated Mizer. “When we can show an intent to defraud or to mislead consumers or the FDA, a defendant can face felony charges.” To illustrate this scenario, Mizer referred to the landmark case against the Peanut Corporation of America, which is perhaps the most commonly referenced case in recent months, as many in the industry have voiced their opinion that it has set a precedent as to how the government will handle such situations moving forward.

Federal Government Takes Regulatory and Criminal Offensive Against Food Industry


FSMA, Food Safety Tech, FDA

FDA Submits Sanitary Transportation Final Rule

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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FSMA, Food Safety Tech, FDA
Syed Hassan of PepsiCo addresses Michael Taylor during FDA Town Hall
How are FDA investigators taking a new approach with FSMA? WATCH THE VIDEO

FDA announced today that it has submitted the final FSMA rule, Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food, to the Federal Register for publication. It can take a few days for the documents to be available, so stay tuned for updates from Food Safety Tech once the final rule is available.

In the meantime, find out how the sanitary transportation rule affects employee training: Specific Training Required Under FSMA: A Look at Each Rule


Palmer Orlandi, Food Labs Conference

Problem: Lab Systems for Data Don’t Talk to Each Other

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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Palmer Orlandi, Food Labs Conference

FDA has standard templates and worksheets, along with an electronic submission form that can be used to pull data related to lab testing. However, within industry not all of these electronic systems speak to each other. During an FDA Town Hall at the Food Labs Conference last week, Palmer Orlandi, Ph.D., acting chief science officer and research director at FDA’s Office of Food and Veterinary Medicine, answers an audience question about the issue and discusses the challenges associated with standardized templates that are used by various federal and state labs and the compatibility issues.