Tom Sabo
Tom Sabo
Food Safety Think Tank

AI and Visual Text Analytics in Food Safety Inspections

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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A real-world demonstration presented at the 2023 American Public Health Association conference revealed how the use of visual text analytics and generative AI can speed analysis of inspection reports to help federal and state agencies pinpoint high risk areas. Tom Sabo, Principal Solutions Architect at SAS, shares the findings of the demonstration and discusses how these tools can be used to reduce workloads while improving food safety.

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Food Safety Consortium Conference & Expo

The Food Safety Consortium Conference, presented by Food Safety Tech and The American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) will take place October 20-22, 2024, at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington VA directly across the Potomac River from Washington, DC. The Program starts with several pre-conference workshops and training which leads into two full days of high-level panel discussions and educational presentations.

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