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Conference for Food Protection Accepting Issues for Consideration

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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The 2023 Biennial Conference for Food Protection (CFP) will take place on April 24-28 in Houston, Texas, and the organizers are accepting issues for consideration. Food industry professionals and stakeholders who would like to submit issues for consideration can review the guidelines on the CFP Issue Submission Process Page. The period for online submissions opened on Monday, December 19, 2022, and will close on Monday, January 23, 2023.

The CFP brings together representatives from the food industry, government, academia, and consumer organizations to identify and address emerging problems of food safety and to formulate recommendations for possible inclusion in the FDA Food Code. Though the Conference has no formal regulatory authority, it does influence model laws and regulations among all government agencies and seeks to minimize disparate interpretations and implementation.

The conference’s objectives include:

  • Identifying and addressing problems in the production, processing, packaging, distribution, sale, and service of foods
  • Focusing on and facilitating the food protection programs governing the foodservice, retail food store, and food vending segments of the food industry
  • Adopting sound, uniform procedures which will be accepted by food regulatory agencies and industry
  • Promoting mutual respect and trust by establishing a working liaison among governmental agencies, industry, academic institutions, professional associations, and consumer groups concerned with food safety
  • Promoting uniformity among States, territories, and the District of Columbia
Reagan Udall Foundation Logo

Expert Panel Recommends a New Federal Food Administration Separate from FDA

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Reagan Udall Foundation Logo

On December 6, the Independent Expert Panel for Human Foods submitted its Operational Evaluation of FDA’s Human Foods Program report to Dr. Robert Califf, FDA Commissioner for Food and Drugs. The evaluation and report, which addressed culture, structure/leadership, resources, and authorities, were facilitated by the Reagan-Udall Foundation at Dr. Califf’s request.

The panel, chaired by former Commissioner of Food and Drugs Dr. Jane Henney, highlighted several concerning findings in their report, including lack of communication, lack of a clear vision and mission, lack of a clear, overarching leader, and siloed workers within the FDA’s Human Foods program. Its recommendations to improve both food safety and nutrition in the U.S. included creating a new Federal Food Administration under HHS that would operate parallel to, rather than under the auspices of, the FDA.

Notably, the panel found that the FDA Human Foods program was ill defined with multiple agencies, including CFSAN, OFPR and OVA, working independently of each other, often with separate leadership and little sharing of information.

“The current structure of the FDA Human Foods Program reinforces duplicative or competing roles and responsibilities, siloed work, and inadequate internal and external engagement. This reality impedes the Human Foods Program move toward a prevention paradigm. While a change in structure cannot address all the challenges identified through this Human Foods Program review, changing the current organizational configuration will assist the Agency in advancing its mission,” the panel wrote.

In addition to Dr. Henney, the panel included Francisco Diez-Gonzalez, PhD, James Jones, Barbara Kowalcyk, PhD, Shiriki Kumanyika, PhD, MS, MPH, and John Taylor, JD. The team of researchers, former regulators, and process improvement specialists used a three-phase evaluation protocol consisting of information gathering, information synthesis and analysis, and report generation. The panel heard from more than 350 stakeholders through a two-day in-person stakeholder meeting, an online stakeholder public portal, and a series of interviews.

“We were honored to take on this challenge and worked diligently to propose changes to strengthen the operation of FDA’s Human Foods Program,” said Dr. Henney. “The report provides constructive recommendations that will take time to work through and implement, but we are confident the effort will benefit the health and safety of the American public.”

Read the full report here.

Intertek Alchemy Logo

Intertek Alchemy Launches Customizable Food Safety Culture Training Program

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Intertek Alchemy, which offers workforce training solutions, has launched a new online food safety culture training program for food industry leaders to help them build and maintain an informed culture coalition within their organization. The program includes GFSI-based food safety culture instruction, a best practice case study and a food safety culture gauge that provides custom action plans and resources.

The program was developed in partnership with Cultivate SA, a Swiss-based company led by Dr. Lone Jespersen, food safety culture professional and chair of the GFSI Food Safety Culture Working Group.

“Strong food safety cultures are essential to reducing recalls and employee turnover, while maximizing productivity and ensuring compliance,” said Laura Dunn Nelson, Intertek Alchemy vice president of food safety and global alliances. “We are excited to work with Dr. Jespersen and the Cultivate SA team to develop our latest course that will help companies of all sizes efficiently and effectively educate their leadership on creating a collaborative and successful food safety culture, specific to their business.”

The training program is available online via Intertek Alchemy’s Zosi Learning Platform. Individuals or cross-functional teams of any size can take the course, which includes two in-depth learning modules on food safety culture and an industry-specific case study on how it positively impacts a food business.

From there, the program features an interactive food safety culture gauge that assesses the organization’s maturity level in regard to GFSI’s five dimensions of a food safety culture. Based on the organization’s responses, the program provides a customized action plan and set of culture tools leveraging social science principles.


person buying fruit

USDA Announces Food Safety Outreach Program Grants

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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person buying fruit

The USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) is accepting grant applications as part of the Food Safety Outreach Program. The program, which will build upon the national infrastructure of the National Food Safety Training, Education, Extension, Outreach, and Technical Assistance Competitive Grants Program, has an estimated total funding of $9,600,000, with grants of $80,000 – $550,000 available to eligible applicants.

Awardees will develop and implement food safety training, education, extension, outreach and technical assistance projects that address the needs of owners and operators of small to mid-sized farms, beginning farmers, socially disadvantaged farmers, small processors, or small fresh fruit and vegetable merchant wholesalers. Grant applications will be solicited directly from those in local communities to include those from community-based organizations, non-governmental organizations, food hubs, farm cooperatives, extension, and other local groups.

Eligibility requirements include: Cooperative Extension Services for a U.S. state or territory; non-government organizations and/or community-based organizations; organizations representing owners and operators of farms, small food processors, or small fruit and vegetable merchant wholesalers that has a commitment to public health and expertise in administering programs that contribute to food safety; federal, state, local, or tribal agencies; an institution of higher education (as defined in Section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001(a)) or a foundation maintained by an institution of higher education; a collaboration of two or more eligible entities.

USDA NIFA is hosting a request for applications (RFA) Technical Assistance Webinar on December 19, 2022 from 3:00-4:00pm ET.

For more information on the application process visit:

The closing date for applications is Thursday, February 16, 2023



FDA Logo

FDA Issues Two New Guidances on Food Allergen Labeling Requirements

FDA Logo

The FDA has issued two new guidance documents on food allergen labeling requirements.

Questions and Answers Regarding Food Allergens, Including the Food Allergen Labeling Requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (Edition 5); Guidance for Industry updates the previous edition (Edition 4) with new and revised questions and answers related to the labeling of food allergens, including requirements in the Food Allergy Safety, Treatment, Education, and Research Act of 2021 (FASTER Act) and the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 (FALCPA).

The FALCPA amended the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) by defining the term “major food allergen” and requiring that foods or ingredients that contain a major food allergen be specifically labeled with the name of the allergen source. This law identified eight foods as major food allergens: milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, and soybeans. The FASTER Act adds sesame to the list of major food allergens effective January 1, 2023.

The draft guidance includes:

  • New questions and answers about food allergen labeling requirements, such as the labeling of sesame, milk, and eggs; the labeling of major food allergens in the labeling of dietary supplement products; and other technical labeling issues.
  • Revised questions and answers to update and clarify information presented in earlier editions of the final guidance, such as the labeling of tree nuts, fish, and crustacean shellfish.
  • Images that show examples of labeling requirements.

The agency also issued a final guidance with the same title to preserve the questions and answers from the previous edition (Edition 4) that were not changed, except for editorial changes such as renumbering the questions and reorganizing the information in the guidance.

Stakeholders can submit comments about the draft guidance within 60 days of the November 30 publication of the notice in the Federal Register. Submit comments electronically on or by mail:

Dockets Management Staff
Food and Drug Administration
5630 Fishers Lane, Rm 1061
Rockville, MD 20852

All written comments should be identified with this document’s Docket ID: FDA-2022-D-0099.

Kiwa Group Acquires ASI Food Safety

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Global Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) company Kiwa has acquired St. Louis-based ASI. ASI has provided farm-to-fork food safety solutions since the 1940s. The company offers a full suite of safety and quality services to the food and beverage, dietary supplements and cannabis industries. The merger will strengthen Kiwa’s U.S. footprint in providing Food, Feed & Farm certifications.

“Kiwa and ASI share similar customer-first business values and follow the same business model when it comes to testing, inspection and certification. By joining the Kiwa family, we’re combining their wide portfolio of accreditations and services (BRC, IFS, FSSC, PrimusGFS, GLOBALG.A.P., Rainforest Alliance, MSC/ASC, Organic/USDA and many others), global business network and expertise with our client network in farm-to-fork food safety to assist our growing client base in North America even better,” said Charray Williams, CEO of ASI.

On January 1, 2023, 29-year-old Tyler Williams, CTO of ASI, will take the reigns as CEO of ASI. He is the youngest CEO in the history of the company. He will succeed current CEO Charray Williams and lead the expansion of Kiwa and ASI in the Food, Feed & Farm sector in North America. Richard Stolk, Kiwa’s global Director for the Food, Feed & Farm sector will serve as President of the Board of ASI and will be directly involved in the further growth of ASI.

“Kiwa already has a strong footprint in the global Food, Feed & Farm sector. With ASI, we significantly expand our reach, expertise and footprint, particularly in the U.S. but certainly with a global perspective. Now that we have welcomed ASI to the Kiwa family, we can better provide our customers with a one-stop shop for food- and feed-related certification services on all continents,” said Stolk.


X5 SideShoot

New X-Ray Inspection System Accommodates Taller Products

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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X5 SideShoot

Loma Systems has launched a new addition to its X5 X-ray inspection series: the X5 SideShoot, designed specifically for the inspection of taller products.

Using dynamic detection, the X5 SideShoot carries out a series of product inspections looking for unwanted contaminants; it can also be used to estimate fill level, check for missing content and determine whether a package is damaged. It can inspect product packaging up to 265mm in height, including plastic bottles, glass jars with metal lids, aluminum cans, plastic tubs and pots, tetra pack cartons, cardboard cans and tubes.

The X-ray device features a line speed of up to 50m/min, and can detect a broad range of contaminants, including ferrous, non-ferrous and stainless steel (~1.5-2.0mm St/St) metal, glass, bone, ceramic/stone, dense plastics and product clumps.

IP66-rated for low-pressure washdown, the X5 SideShoot includes a 15″ color touchscreen, multilevel password access to store data-logged events for traceability, improved digital detection to reduce electrical interference for image optimization, and energy-saving automatic idle capabilities.

“The New X5 SideShoot has been specifically designed and engineered to help our customers deliver new packaging technologies, successfully inspect products that are taller versus width, promote sustainability and enhance food safety,” said Toby Kemp, LOMA’s Director of Marketing & Innovation.



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WHO Convenes Panel to Identify Priority Pathogens for Research and Oversight

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The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it is launching a global scientific process to update the list of priority pathogens to guide global investment, research and development of vaccines, tests and treatments.

The process began on November 18 with a meeting of more than 300 scientists who will consider the evidence on over 25 virus families and bacteria, as well as “Disease X.” Disease X is included to indicate an unknown pathogen that could cause a serious international epidemic. The experts will recommend a list of priority pathogens that need further research and investment. The process will include both scientific and public health criteria, as well as criteria related to socioeconomic impact, access, and equity.

The first priority pathogen list was published in 2017 and the last prioritization exercise was done in 2018. The current list includes COVID-19, Crimean-Cong hemorrhagic fever, Ebola virus disease and Marburg virus disease, Lassa fever, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Nipah and henipaviral diseases, Rift Valley fever, Zika and Disease X.

“Targeting priority pathogens and virus families for research and development of countermeasures is essential for a fast and effective epidemic and pandemic response. Without significant R&D investments prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, it would not have been possible to have safe and effective vaccines developed in record time,” said Dr. Michael Ryan, Executive Director of WHO’s Health Emergencies Programme.

For those pathogens identified as priority, the WHO R&D Blueprint for epidemics develops R&D roadmaps, which lay out knowledge gaps and research priorities. Efforts are also made to map, compile and facilitate clinical trials to develop vaccines, treatments and diagnostic tests. Complimentary efforts—such as to strengthen regulatory and ethics oversight—are also considered.

“This list of priority pathogens has become a reference point for the research community on where to focus energies to manage the next threat,” said Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, WHO Chief Scientist. “It is developed together with experts in the field and is the agreed direction for where we—as a global research community—need to invest energy and funds to develop tests, treatments and vaccines. We thank our donors like the U.S. government, our partners, and the scientists who work with WHO to make this possible.”

The revised list is expected to be published in the first quarter of 2023.

Upside Foods Chicken

Lab Grown Meat Passes Key Safety Hurdle on Path to Approval

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Upside Foods Chicken

On November 16, the FDA announced that it had completed its first pre-market consultation for a human food made from cultured animal cells. After evaluating the information submitted by UPSIDE Foods, a company that uses animal cell culture technology to take living cells from chickens and grow the cells in a controlled environment to make the cultured animal cell food, the agency stated that it had no further questions at this time about the firm’s safety conclusion.

In a statement from Commissioner Robert M. Califf, M.D., and Susan Mayne, Ph.D., director of the FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, the regulators explained that before this food can enter the market, the facility in which it is made also needs to meet applicable U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and FDA requirements. In addition to the FDA’s requirements, including facility registration for the cell culture portion, the manufacturing establishment needs a grant of inspection from the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) for the harvest and post-harvest portions as well as a USDA mark of inspection the product itself.

Cultivation Room Upside
UPSIDE Foods Cultivation Room

UPSIDE Foods’ CEO Uma Valeti, M.D., celebrated the news with a mock letter to the chickens of the world. “So what does getting a ‘No Questions Letter’ mean, exactly? It means that the FDA accepts our safety conclusion and UPSIDE’s cultivated chicken will be available following USDA inspection and label approval. It’s an important step on the road to bringing cultivated chicken to the market in the U.S., and gets UPSIDE closer to being on tables everywhere,” said Valeti. “And what does that mean? It means a whole new future is around the corner. And in that future, we might be eating just as much meat as we always have. But a lot fewer animals are going to have to suffer for it.”

Now that the pre-market consultation is completed, the approval process will transition from the FDA to USDA FSIS oversight. USDA FSIS will oversee the post-harvest processing and labeling.

“The FDA is ready to work with additional firms developing cultured animal cell food and production processes to ensure their products are safe and lawful under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act,” said Drs. Cardiff and Mayne. “We also plan to issue guidance to assist firms that intend to produce human foods from cultured animal cells to prepare for pre-market consultations. The published draft of this guidance will provide a formal opportunity to the public for comment.”

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FDA Announces Publication of Final Traceability Rule and Informational Webinar

By Food Safety Tech Staff
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The FSMA Final Rule on Traceability was published in the Federal Register on November 21, meaning the rule will go into effect on January 20, 2023 (60 days after the publication date). The FDA will hold an informational webinar on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm (ET) to provide an overview of the final rule, including the foods and entities covered by the rule, explain the exemptions from the rule, and to discuss the recordkeeping requirements of the rule.  The FDA will answer pre-submitted questions and take questions during the webinar.

The final rule establishes additional traceability recordkeeping requirements for those that manufacture, process, pack or hold certain foods, including fresh leafy greens, nut butters, fresh-cut fruits and vegetables and ready-to-eat deli salads. In collaboration with industry, the FDA will be able to more rapidly and effectively identify the origin and route of travel of certain contaminated foods to prevent or mitigate foodborne illness outbreaks, address credible threats of serious adverse health consequences or death, and minimize overly broad advisories or recalls that implicate unaffected food products.

“This rule lays the foundation for even greater end-to-end food traceability across the food system that we’re working on as part of the New Era of Smarter Food Safety initiative,” said Frank Yiannas, FDA deputy commissioner for food policy and response. “This standardized, data-driven approach to traceability recordkeeping helps create a harmonized, universal language of food traceability that will help pave the way for industry to adopt and leverage more digital, interoperable and tech-enabled traceability systems both in the near term and the future.”

Foods subject to the final rule requirements appear on the Food Traceability List (FTL). To determine which foods should be included on the FTL, the FDA developed a risk-ranking model for food tracing based on the factors that Congress identified in Section 204 of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). These foods include fresh leafy greens, melons, peppers, sprouts, herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, and tropical tree fruits, as well as shell eggs, nut butters, fresh-cut fruits and vegetables, ready-to-eat deli salads, cheeses (other than hard cheese), finfish and crustaceans.

The FDA released a proposed rule in 2020 and held a public comment period where comments were received from food producers and other stakeholders through early 2021. In response, the agency has made several changes to the final rule so that it better aligns with current industry approaches to food traceability and harmonizes points in the supply chain where records must be maintained.

Key features of the final rule include:

  • Critical Tracking Events: at specific points in the supply chain—such as harvesting, cooling, initial packing, receiving, transforming, and shipping FTL foods—records containing Key Data Elements are required.
  • Traceability Plan: information essential to help regulators understand an entity’s traceability program. These include a description of the procedures used to maintain required records, descriptions of procedures used to identify foods on the FTL, descriptions of how traceability lot codes are assigned, a point of contact for questions regarding the traceability plan and a farm map for those that grow or raise a food on the FTL.
  • Additional Requirements: maintenance of records as original paper or electronic records, or true copies; providing requested records to the FDA within 24 hours of a request (or within a reasonable time to which the FDA has agreed); and providing records in an electronic sortable spreadsheet when necessary to assist the FDA during an outbreak, recall or other threat to public health.